So))) Well about Alpha I have already unsubscribed))) Did the translation 2 weeks.. not translated.

I was advised “telebank” ВТБ24.. like everything is fast and without brain…
They've been translating for a week now… have not yet been translated..

I post a sample correspondence with VTB24 by email. mail within a week)):

I: Hello, I made a deferred translation and send you all the documents and contracts.
My UNK No.”such and such”, FULL NAME.

Telebank: Danuna #thought?) Get your ass to our office and sign the payment there..

I: *Signed the payment at the office *

Telebank: This is what the translation is? Let's dock with the tax, that you have bank accounts in Zaburg, быра!

I: What are the other fucking bills?? I translate to a broker, read the paper..

Telebank: We don't know anything, Give me the documents, what is it broker!!

I: I to you 4 sent documents a day ago.
I'm sending again… all documents in * .rar archive. I'll even duplicate it again just in case.

Telebank: No documents.

I: Have you got there, firewall does not skip files in letters?? How do you accept documents?
Cold. Uploaded on the fail-server.. Here's a link, Download.

Telebank: Tell your UNK.

I: I sent it to you a long time ago… My UNK number * such and such *
Furthermore, it is in the archive in the payment… Fail “Application for currency transfer.pdf”

Telebank: We can't find your UNK!! Write again)))

  Futures breakfast -- coffee with sugar.
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