Everything is against me..

Everything is against me..

All, what surrounds me has a bad effect on my Trading. Because everything around me is trying to soften me, smooth out, toss in the direction of compromise..

  • – I have a prosperous family. Ready to help me any minute
  • – I got a fucking loving girl, who does not know what shopping every weekend and diving in the seychelles is. And I'm ready not to know this for several more years..
  • – I have a relatively large depot.. and it will be so big, which I am ready to accept.
  • – I have friends, who can help me in all aspects
  • – I have no children.. for which I would be responsible.
  • – I have a refrigerator after all.. which has food. And she will even if I have no money left.

Everything is set against me.. against my development, versus targeting, against the INSTINCTIVE source of energy and motivation.
The most turning points in my trading happened only at one time.. All transitions from losses to profits happened only at the same time. All endless “consolidation” in development only happened at one time. And this time – when I had nothing left, except for ME, MARKET AND SELF-PRESERVATION INSTINCTION. It was he who always led to the turning points. There is no greater motivator to change yourself. Do it here and now. And hold on until my nose bleeds.

I refer to those, who …there is nothing. Who doesn't have people who love them. Who has no money in his pocket. And there is enough money for the depot for several contracts. Empty refrigerator and the knowledge, that it won't fill. Off, forgotten cell phone and feeling, that the bottom is already near. – I am afraid of you… I'm afraid as my counterparties. I'm afraid now, and even more – afraid in the future. And I envy you… You have a crazy advantage, bitches!! And if you don't understand it – you are not worth anything. And your main problem – self pity. You have a major advantage over all the majors in the world – you have nothing to lose. (with)


This is exactly what, what did i say to mart… and after which he allegedly began to make money in the market))

I just have to interrupt by your own imagination. I picture myself. picture, which depicts that, what will happen if I do not make money on the market. And what I see – this is the worst demotivator, which I have ever seen. And I substitute them for reality. To create this advantage.. and to get some more strength and discipline. And whatever you eat me)

Memorize the words of maitred)..
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