Dedicated to all trolls.

I was frankly pissed off by one smartlab jerk, who tried to blacken me as best he could.
Pretended to be my student and carried real nonsense

My answer will be in a single copy and I will not comment on this anymore..

  • About my alleged penchant for conspiracy theories and other mythical mutations.

I have nothing to do with this. My credo in understanding the market – this is unconditional objectivity. My ideological idol – this Ain Rend, who was obsessed with such a concept as objectivism. So I want to spit in the face of that one, who claims, that I am guided by some fictitious concepts for myself, which are not backed by anything.

I don't want to do education now, but I will say briefly:”For me there are only 2 parties: покупатели и продавцы. Как говорит Gerchik, nothing new has been invented on this score yet. This is the first fact. The second fact is, that money in the futures market flows from weak hands to strong, ie. if, for example, the price goes up from accumulation – absolutely obvious, that sellers are in fact weak holders, and the buyers are strong. Logically? Logically.
Further. I affirm, what weak money – it's always a crowd, ie. majority. Retail. Meat. Proof? Only facts:  from 90% to 99% all traders merge. Это подтверждают сами Brokers officially. Accordingly, if from any accumulation the price shoots up- this means the maximum probability that, what are the shorts on the futures, who were the buyers' counterparties – this is the crowd and it is she who is losing money now. Because. most trade at a loss. What the fuck is illogical here? 
Accordingly, who was the counterparty of the crowd at that moment – to me dopi # dy. I do not conduct investigations into this matter and I am absolutely not interested in this and if I find out – it will not increase my profitability in any way. They can be anyone in the moment and you can call him whatever you want: any professional. participant or market maker or invisible hand of the market or dolls or whatever your heart desires. But that's just the name of the other side, which turned out to be stronger in each specific situation. ALL.

What am I making up here? What is not objective here?

  • Утверждение, that my methods are similar to the classic ones. анализом, despite, that I reject him..

For me, such statements are humiliating.. Because. I am an ideologist of anti-classical approaches and my method is the opposite of what they write about in popular books.

I explain a brief essence:
Classics of those. analysis promotes that, to play with the crowd. I advocate, that you must always play against the crowd.
Why the classics are popular? Because for many years she really worked and even on liquid assets THE CROWD COULD MOVE THE MARKET. Accordingly, it was foolish to play against the movements.
What is the point of a classic breakout entry? Because at this very moment it becomes clear to the majority, where will exit from the flat, there was certainty, determined the vector. Therefore, at the moment of the breakdown, an imbalance of buyers and sellers was created., because. sellers could not provide instant liquidity to the mass of buyers who came. From here came the impulse. The market was inert.
Why did the triangle shape work?? For the same reason.

У меня же, for example, entry at the moment of breakdown strictly prohibited. Because. on modern platforms at this moment the balance is leveled by the market maker and the absence of sellers from the crowd no longer produces the former effect, ie. inert pulse. The market does not shoot out of the flat, but returns back to it and goes to the opposite border, where actually all the buyers' stops are.. where the fuck else can they be, это же очевидно.

You can agree with this, can you judge, but to claim that my methods obey the classic TA – this is just slander and real nonsense.

Take my trades and claim that they coincide with the classic signals – can only dibiloids. Jetty, if i bought – so it's obvious, there in a moment the exit from the triangle occurred, and on the watch an upside-down head shoulders, and some moving line has broken through and a trend channel, which you can adjust as you like, and in general there, according to the daily timeframe, the flag formation and MACD entered the oversold zone and in general, there will be growth, because. positive macro statistics came out!!! IT'S FUCKING OBVIOUS, WHAT I TRADE CLASSIC TA, AND ALL THE HEADS!!!!!

  • Outright lies about sitting out huge losses and systematic averaging..

This is an outright lie. Any student of mine, who saw my trade can confirm this.
I NEVER I do not open a deal, in which my stop originally was more than my take profit. NEVER. I strongly prohibit any such transactions..
Therefore my “huge losses” always match mine “huge profits”.

I am very respectful of transactions, with the ratios 1:1. Because. it means, that all your advantage is in checkmate. expectation is based on an understanding of the market. If there is – on the distance you will be in the black. You must be right just in >50% cases and if this is in fact so – then I do not in any way prohibit such inputs. (I personally have it like that). The main thing is that they fit into risk management.
There is one more factor, which will benefit large, but reasonable stops – this is what, what % losing trades will be stupidly less, than working with micro-stops. The fact, that systems with positive mat. anticipation, в которых 1 a profitable trade beats off dozens of unprofitable ones – very difficult to do in manual trading. Because. after a long series of losses, psychologically it is extremely fucking uncomfortable to take that very large profitable trade completely, but in practice it is simply impossible. In my head only 1 thought – how to recoup losses and nothing more))) So, the first profitable trade always closes ahead of time, what actually kills the very mate. expectation. IMHO similar strategies are only for algorithmic traders.

Further. I never average. NEVER FUCK. Because. averaging – this is an additional deal WITHOUT SIGNAL with one single purpose – AVERAGE LOSS and add to INITIAL POSITION at a better price.

Я же торгую only on system signals, which have a positive checkmate. expectation, but sl-but they need to be included in everything without exception. And therefore, if I am in any position and see that a completely separate entrance is being formed, with his foot and teak, unrelated to previous entry – I have to enter it. And it doesn't matter at all, my initial position is profitable or unprofitable. Hack this difference on your nose!

  • What about my students aka turtles and their results..

I am ready to be responsible for all the actions I have taken and be responsible for my words..

I would like to separate those, who is simply trying to denigrate me or in some way convict me of unprofessionalism because of personal hostility and those, who really has objective reasons for this.

The first ones are very easy to identify. If you see, that about me they smear dirt on the forums – appreciate the arguments. Especially in dialogue with me. They are always based on the personality of the opponent., and not on the essence of the discussion, objective facts and logical reasoning.
За все время, which I exist in the information field – I've only seen such, carrying unprecedented slander about me, it is not clear for some reason.

With the second category, I have the following algorithm:

My system implies rules for entering and exiting a position and essno risk management.

That's why, if someone leaked their depot – means one of two: or the transactions violated the rules of the system, or you took an exorbitant risk on every trade, for example MORE 10-20% from a depot.
Absolutely obvious, that any system allows single unprofitable trades and generates income only at a distance, therefore, only an idiot can reproach the trading system by draining a third of the account on one deal. I myself used to be systematically that idiot, but, извините меня, I only blamed myself for it, not a market or a system or anyone else.

That's why, if anyone has a claim against me, voiced above – you are welcome, screenshots of transactions in kammenty and broker reports. I swear, no such comment will be removed or hidden. If your actions on the trading account pass both conditions – I publicly admit my incompetence.


Therefore, I want to say the following: NOBODY IS IN THE RIGHT approve, that my approach to trading is fucking or bullshit, even in a theoretical aspect.
If anyone thinks, what has the right – you are welcome, I am ready to enter into a public or non-public discussion on this matter. And not only ready, I've been waiting for a person for several years, which would, pointed me out to any logical or practical flaws in my method and would suggest something more efficient. It's in my best interest, but I have never met such people.

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