Dedicated to all discrete trading traders

what will be the result of the current transaction.

Well, it doesn't matter at all. Well, finally, fuck it.
Well there is no point in thinking about it.
No need to cycle on this – it makes you weaker.
More insecure.

Only that matters, what will happen to you in the distance, если ты всегда будешь так входить\выходить.

This is how I answer questions in my trading room:

“And if she still goes up?”,
“And if it deflects?”,
“And if he comes back?”,
“And last time….”,
“Can take on a rebound?”,
“Fuck, sykontno cho then”… т.д. and so on.

I repeat this mantra to myself all the time, while I hold the pose.. helps a lot. I recommend.

It also helps a lot from hueverting, when I think about getting somewhere out of boredom)

  Goodrich Petroleum Corporation (GDP) (NYSE Arca)
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