All traders are dying of boredom

Hello, friends!

Think, what are those people, who traded the same, how much I trade or more will agree, which is rather early, the later the thought comes, what Trading — the most boring thing in the world.

It's interesting at first, when everything is new and incomprehensible.

Everything seems entertaining and exciting.

But in fact — over time, everything fits into monitoring the chart and opening a deal, its accompaniment and closure.

Feel dumb, stalled, boring and busy.

And, I just now understand, how boring it is — because initially the feeling of interest goes away so imperceptibly, drop by drop, what when bam happens! — you don't understand that it is she — BOREDOM.

I tried to fix the situation with different chips, more often subconsciously, because I did not understand the reasons for this state. Соревновательность, aggressive MM, emotionally charged, communication and work with investors, development of a resource on the topic of trading, communication on forums, эксперименты с методами ТА

But these are just temporary gadgets. The heart of the trade remains the same. Opening, monitoring, closing. And it's boring.

Hence all this tinsel and pouring from empty to empty — analytics, financial news and their impact on the market. Who said what and how investors reacted. Where will the euro open, what will be the price of oil or gold, will the dollar crash or will we postpone and still 1000 unnecessary words and opinions.

Come to you right now, to any, devil and tell: "Here, pier, finished sales record in all shape to your soul. Sign with your blood, and for so many years I will firmly and faithfully fulfill in an instant your every whim ". That each of you would sell your soul with the greatest pleasure, it is undoubtedly. But you wouldn't come up with anything original, or grandiose, or funny, or bold. Nothing, except for the woman, жранья, drink and soft feather beds. And when the devil comes for your tiny soul, he will find her seized with mortal boredom and the most vile cowardice.
Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, "River of Life"

If the trader does not leave the trade, he will definitely die of boredom, which will amaze him unnoticed, like a medieval ninja.

  Well what did I say!

В некрологе так и будет записано — Profession: trader. Cause of death: скука


God bless you, at least until the next blog update Zen trading

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