Oriental motives.

Since the friends were interested, but I still can't write a detailed report on the trip, I'll post, для начала, some photos.

The factory produces doors for a medium-budget consumer, and for serious customers. Further, several individual developments.

This door, exclusive development, was done, obviously, for “Arab friends”. Cover made from a single piece of leather, embossed, and even find a supplier – serious task, not to mention production technologies. The closing process deserves special praise. The cost, excluding development, Order 15 000 euros.

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To this door, in the showroom, did not even bother to attach the handles, so as not to spoil the skin, аналогичную той, what goes to trim BMW and Mercedes saloons. Внутри – serious electronic stuffing.

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Some more examples.

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To be continued…

  Is it worth taking a bribe ...!!!
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