Questions to the guru, or appeal to beginners.

The post is addressed to those, who is just taking the first steps in the market. Grubby traders scroll the feed further :)

I often see questions like: “Bought a eurodollar (Gazprom, gold, oil), And he (she, it) now falling. What should I do? Sell, or wait?”
If questions like this periodically ripen in your head, fingers tapping them in the comments, you are not ready for the market yet, even if you trade two, three, four years. Withdraw money, leave a small amount (100-500 Dollars) and train on it. I don't believe, that a person can learn to trade on a demo account, Paper, or some other surrogate. Comprehend some principles – Yes. Learn to trade – unlikely. Trading decisions must be made independently – only this speaks of trader maturity. When a person tries to find support for their actions in the words of a commentator on radio or TV, analytics, trading stars :) – it says one thing – trader you haven't formed yet. This is the same as, as if you were walking down the street with a case of money and met a stranger, who says, what if you give him this case now, in a couple of days he will bring back two of the same. Very funny to read the statements: “I bought oil on your recommendation” – it's all from the same opera.
Try, and good luck will smile at you, but don't forget, that you are solely responsible for your every action. And in trading, and in life. In life, you can still blame on a bad background., Country, authorities, Relatives, the president. Trading on the market will fail.

PS I have achieved consistent results, just observing your best practices (nothing, By the way, there is nothing special about them). Although sometimes me “brings”, not without it. The system is good, but it is still being finished and polished. Increased profitability, when he stopped attaching great importance to that, what they say / write in forecasts, but I follow the external background. In this blog, I only express my thoughts, naturally, Rejoice, when they are confirmed. Exchange ideas. For no reason, for your own pleasure.

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