Question to specialists, h.2

I still decided to contact Firefox support on the    Transfer rate. I bring the transcript of the live chat.  Maybe there are also incompetent workers!

Good answer, I think[info]honeyman 

Depending on the severity of the wording.

If the implication is `` well, everybody knows, what's the internet megabits, and here are the winchesters '', it can be as much as you like. Depending on prior agreements and / or context.

If the wording of the class is meant; a serious international standard for techies" – then everything is simple and unambiguous. What is a 'beat'" and & quot; byte" – everybody knows; & quot; mega & quot; / & quot; kilo prefixes" and so on. unambiguously and unambiguously defined in the SI system and equal to & quot; 1 000 000" и "1 000" respectively; for 'technical millions" prefixes, denoting & quot; 1024 * 1024" и "1024" also identified, but in no way called 'mega" и "кило", because they are called 'mebi" и "киби", according to ISO / IEC IEC standard 80000-13:2008.

Final conclusion: one byte is (usually) eight bits; one mega-anything equals one million of anything, one mebi-anything is equal 1 048 576 чего-угодно, 4.3 MB/sec = 34.4 Mbps ~ 4.1 MiB/sec ~ 32.8 Mibps.

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[12:25 PM] roman has joined the room
[12:25 PM] zzxc has joined the room
[12:25 PM] zzxc: Hello
[12:25 PM] roman: hi
[12:25 PM] roman: can someone tell me on professional level
[12:26 PM] roman: in download window transfer rate shows 4.3 MB/sec
[12:26 PM] roman: what is it in mbps
[12:26 PM] zzxc: Multiply by 8
[12:26 PM] zzxc: (there are 8 bits in a byte)
[12:27 PM] zzxc: (so, to convert megabytes to megabits, multiply by 8)
[12:33 PM] roman: some argue it must be multiply by more than 8
[12:33 PM] roman: since 1MB = 1024bytes
[12:36 PM] roman: multiplied
[12:40 PM] roman: r u there
[12:40 PM] zzxc: yes
[12:40 PM] zzxc: right, there are 2^10 bytes in a megabyte
[12:40 PM] roman: so
[12:40 PM] zzxc: but this is concerning bits vs. bytes
[12:40 PM] roman: what is correct answer
[12:40 PM] zzxc: 8 is the correect answer
[12:41 PM] roman: so the correct answer in our case 4.3 multipled by 8= 34.4 mbps
[12:41 PM] zzxc: ye
[12:42 PM] roman: thank you
[12:42 PM] roman: will i receive the chat transcript
[12:45 PM] zzxc: yes, once you press end
[12:47 PM] roman has left the r oom

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