By the way, another funny moment..
I already wrote, that when he came to the amers – realized that without analysis “volumes versus volatility” (well that is. by level, not in time) you really can't survive there. And right now I am of the same opinion.. and then and until recently I always had a free cropped MARKET DELTA, by which I measured the volumes for each tick in real time.. At least oil futures and a couple of stock indices are always open.
For the Russian Federation it was problematic of course to determine these levels.. but because. I permanently sat at the monitor and watched the tape – then, in general, I knew where the volumes passed, and where did not go.. and accordingly made conclusions. + обьемные candles в смарттрейде это конечно гениально)) Probably this is the only, the better the Russian terminal is from the western)))))))
But.. all this is of course good… but not comfortable. I can't memorize all these levels in my mind. History is not saved in the delta market either.. Celebrating is not an option.. when the saw starts – confusion begins.
In general, I found out by accident, what VOLFIX reduced tariffs several times and included RI in its base.. Ie. you can analyze volumes on RI and on everything else without any problems. I wrote them an e-mail, to give a demo for a week… give everyone like. Subscribed “MITRAID” )) And gave a link to my LJ)
I was answered:
I'm playing – Yes!))
In general, the guys there turned out to be very nice and made me a sickly perpetual discount on using their programs just for that, that I will hang their banner on my LJ))))))))) Heck.. trifle, rather nice)) At least my LJ was good for something) Всё таки 2-30 thousand visits per day according to official LJ statistics.. I don’t know where so much comes from)
So that… if anyone needs – I can post some screenshots.. or aprors. Only if not very good. often)
I'll tell the spiteful critics right away, who will start writing right now that I am now a VOLFIXa project))) I do not advertise anything! I'm only talking about, that I personally use it for trading. And this by default can't be shit. If I use smarttrade – I say why exactly he and advise him. The same goes for everything else.. I will never say anything, if I don't use it myself.
As for the bare volumes themselves – I will disappoint you right away- там никаких граалей нет. In my strategy right now, a bunch of FORMATIONS + TIMING + VOLUMES INSIDE OF THE DAY + VOLUMES GLOBAL. This is if in the brink..
It's just that without formations and timing, I can't determine what this or that clot of volumes means.. Without the volume within the formation, I do not understand this formation sobsno means.. ie. how it will be finished.
The trade log is spamming me about the seminar.. regularly.. Almost every day))))) I do not know what to answer.. I would like to spend sometime in Moscow.. but something will not ripen in any way. Even.. you know.. I would honestly like to spend it.. but I hardly prepared for the previous ones) And this will have to.. because I have a lot of things added.. and I have something to say. And this needs to be somehow systematized and presented in an accessible form. So you have to work.. but I don't like to work))))))))