The wolf of Wall Street 2013

Hello, friends!

I promised myself, that I will write a blog post after watching the picture The wolf of Wall Street 2013 and reluctantly I do it.

Why reluctantly?

Because I can't say anything special or interesting..

In my opinion, so much rubbish was mixed in the film., that after watching almost 3 a question pops up: «AND?»

So, what is next, в чем смысл? What the film wanted to convey or say The wolf of Wall Street 2013?

Can not understand anything. On the one hand, the hero is an example of an inspiring seller, almost a beacon-guru, leading his charges to a happy and rich life.
With another — he just sniffs stocks for clients, using NLP, psychological tricks and outright deception. On the one hand, he is rich and bathed in money, with another — unhappy in family life and looking for adventure with whores.

On the one hand, he is a purposeful person, who created himself and his company from scratch, with another — addict, бабник, alcoholic and ultimately traitor.

Such a feeling, what's the script of the painting The wolf of Wall Street 2013 создавали 10-15 human, each of which stuck his own piece into the text. Hence the lack of the integrity of the narrative and the integrity of the images. Everything is sewn from rags, contradicting each other both in meaning and in plot.

I wrote a couple of years ago about the movie «Wall Street: money doesn't sleep«. This is really worth seeing. BUT The wolf of Wall Street 2013 I can not recommend. Rubbish.

Sorry for such a rough assessment.

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