The war will end, as soon as we turn off the TV

Yesterday at a concert in Moscow, Boris Grebenshchikov said: `` The war will end, as soon as we turn off the TV. We have a *** brain. But our business – let them or not ''.

You said correctly, although the war won't end so quickly – including because, that the TV should have been turned off (and do not include anymore) at least a year ago. During the etheric genocide, they were raped with special cynicism (this is according to BG; but for me, completely killed on the spot) brains of tens of millions of Russians. Conditioned reflexes and basic instincts have been preserved in humans, but the ability to adequately assess information, think and analyze were in the affected area. At the same time, the tumor of hatred has grown to an unprecedented size. – and this is already brain cancer, death. The people played zomboyaschik; war of dust.

A lot is said and written about the prohibitively mean role of television. – all, в-основном, descriptively, in horror-horror-horror format. Much less thought about, what can and can be done with this darkness. I will offer a few short theses.

1. Necessary, finally, understand and feel, what an information war" – this, really, WAR. Without any quotes. With the killed, wounded and crippled. And those, who ignites and leads it- war criminals. On conscience, whose hands and languages – blood. Alas, this is not a metaphor.

2. Activities of state (и около того) Russian TV channels fully falls under the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: for inciting ethnic hatred and hatred, for lies and slander and, for sure, a lot others. (Experts will easily find). Relatives of our unfortunate compatriots, That, after seeing the `` crucified boys '', volunteered for Donbass and disappeared there, have every reason to sue the instigators.

3. With an almost monopoly on television, channels violate one of the fundamental human rights: the right to the truth. We and the world have many human rights organizations – why not take care? Or a total lie `` doesn't count ''? Type, you do not want – do not look? It would be interesting to know the opinion of Mikhail Fedorov, в числе прочих.

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4. The practice of managers and employees of these media, deliberately misleading and brutalizing viewers, completely contrary to the principles of professional ethics. If professional organizations like the Union of Journalists still mean anything in our country – they are obliged to give the info-pig an assessment.

5. I understand, times are not easy now, unemployment walks the media field, but still I call on all honest journalists and technical staff: leave political news broadcasting! You unwittingly, but this is no less real, participate in a crime against two peoples.

6. For colleagues, who are 'over the fight" and 'took a selfie – why is it?": I guess, что вы неправы. I myself am not a very stubborn person, but now we have a terrible situation too… Here is Borya Grebenshchikov – he is `` upstairs '' all his life, and above many – but here I put it strongly and specifically. Those with a conscience and a f ***** brain can't be on the same side.

7. As for the soldiers themselves, information war officers and generals: those of them, who kills just by contract for big money (I don't really doubt, that this is the case of my acquaintances Kiselev and Solovyov), hopeless. А тем, who sincerely believes, that is fighting for the Motherland with the Ukrainian aggressors, намекну: you are not fighting for Russia, but with Russia. And her future. I don't know., how much darkness must thicken and how tragic we have to plunge into this future, for you to understand it.

/Artemy Troitsky /

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