Intraday Demo with American Stocks.

Before the new year, for about a month, I tried to play the demo of a new intraday system for American stocks.
True, not every day was successful, but the results are in the picture. Above is real trade (in the sense of, demo), and below how it happened during the same period on the test in Velslab. It's strange that the demo turned out better, especially since I tested it in Velslab without taking into account commission and slippage.


Now I will try to play in real life. Instrument sheet being played, which are monitored in real time. As soon as the price gets close to the desired location, a stop order to buy will be placed (only long). Each position is allocated 5K. Everything can be discovered 20 positions. Today, while I have time, I will inform you about the current process of intraday play in chat. :)

  Option position profile
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