Investments and personal money. Part II: How to achieve objectives

Investments and personal money. Part II: How to achieve objectives

In the first part, we dealt with, where free funds for investments may appear. Now we will try to give an answer, how to set monetary goals and invest like this, so that these tasks are easy to achieve.

Money plan

Now, when free funds arose, it's time to get an individual money plan. For this purpose, abstract desires must be translated into specific goals and the number of means must be estimated., which will be needed for their implementation. The purchased list must be sorted by value - the more important is the goal, the higher its value.

Then we evaluate those assets, which are already in stock and which can be sold. For instance, to buy a new car, an old one can be sold. However, this is a trivial example, but about unnecessary devices and furniture are often forgotten, however, you can also get some money from their implementation.. Here it is necessary to take into account the already existing clusters., if any.

Finally, estimate the amount, which we are ready to postpone every month. Do not be upset, if it is not enough for that, to achieve all tasks within a reasonable time frame. At first, you can limit yourself to those goals., Having?? highest value. Distribute between them the price of assets to be sold and monthly accumulations. During distribution, you can clearly see, in what time frame at the current rate of savings you can achieve certain goals.

You will end up with a personalized money plan., under which investments will develop. This plan can be put on paper, in spreadsheets, in your phone notes or, if it's pretty simple, in the head of the financier. Main, so that this plan is clear and comfortable for the user himself.

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Carefully about that, how to invest depending on the tasks, we have already written in specialized material. Here we will reduce the data to a laconic form.. Almost all monetary goals can be attributed to one of the following categories, for which certain classes of monetary instruments are suitable.

– The financial pad is the most reliable and liquid instruments, for example, short OFZ or OFZ-PC
– Short term congestion (up to 1.5-2 years) – short and medium bonds. Possibly small fraction of low risk stocks
– Prolonged congestions (more 2 years) – stocks and a small share of bonds
– Passive income - safe dividend stocks and medium-term bonds
– Retirement Savings and Legacy - Reliable Long Lasting Stocks and Bonds, also protected against an increase in the general price level. For instance, OFZ-IN or shares from this list.
– Aggressive attachments (overestimated risk for highest return) - stock, futures, options, high yield bonds.
For each goal, you can get some piggy bank, let's call it a foundation, which can be classified in one of the listed categories and invested in proper monetary instruments.

For instance, after cost improvement you see, that you can effortlessly procrastinate each month 10 000 rub. Let be 5000 rub. will go to the financial cushion, and 5000 rub. - on vacation, new phone, or another goal, which will motivate you.

In this case, the separation can exist only on paper - at the physical level, both funds can be completely stored in one account., invested in short-term highly reliable liquid bonds. Within the framework of the 1st account, it is most convenient to keep records of various funds as a percentage. In this case, each fund will account for fifty percent and investment income will be distributed in accordance with these shares..

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When one goal is achieved, monthly contributions can be directed to follow-up tasks within the individual plan. For instance, when the financial pad has reached a suitable size, освободившиеся 5 000 rub. each month can be sent to a personal pension fund, which consists of high quality stocks. Or you can try more aggressive investments., so that, in case of furor, get a real source of passive income in a couple of years.

Even easier

In the first steps, the above systematization can be difficult and unnecessary.. Then you can lighten and break the piggy banks into just three main categories.:

- capital, Use?? for current consumption and short-term goals. You can place in short bonds, savings accounts, deposits and protected structured goods.

- financial cushion and long-term accumulations. Some of these funds should be located in OFZ-PC, OFZ-IN or on deposits (also cash) for quick access to them, and the other part - in long-term reliable tools, for example, promotions of large organizations.

- facilities, which the financier is willing to risk to get an inflated income. They have no specific purpose.. They can be used for speculative transactions in stocks., high yield bonds and other financial instruments. To the extent, как инвестиционный капитал будет расти, part of it can be transferred to reserve or current.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

When you save money regularly, sports excitement may appear - you want, so that capital grows even faster. Reasonable desire, but it's important not to go to extremes. Typical mistakes: too large contributions and too risky investments.

If contributions are affordable, but they make it a little shrink in spending on pleasure, then they will be a good motivator to increase income. In conditions of a small deficit, entrepreneurs begin to vigorously look for points of business growth, employees are more actively interested in career opportunities and try to improve their competencies.


But too much savings can lead to a decrease in the quality of life., deteriorating health, tensions in relationships with family and other problems. Therefore, it is important to strike a balance between investing in the future and spending on the present..

At the other extreme, in the pursuit of capital growth, there may be a desire to invest more aggressively, to get high profitability. It's important to remember here, that the tools should be adequate for the purpose.

As you gain knowledge and experience in the stock market, you can naturally increase the return on your investment.. There is only one way to speed up this process - through education. A wide selection of interesting and useful materials on the topic of investment and not only you can find on our website in a special section.

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