VKontakte comes under full control of Igor Sechin

`` I am not in Russia and do not plan to return, — wrote by Durov. — Unfortunately, Internet business and Russia at the moment — incompatible concepts & quot;.
`` This way, today VKontakte is coming under the full control of Igor Sechin and Alisher Usmanov & quot;.



This is how business is squeezed out in Russia. One thing remains — poverty trading according to the Martynov-Mukhanchikov system. While playing 6 contracts, no one will press the trading account. At least, currently. Farther — nothing can be predicted, perhaps because of one contract they will squeeze out.

By the way, I have deleted my VKontakte account for three or four years already. This is a complete dossier for any person. — who it, pictures, what is his hobby, inclinations, political beliefs, etc.. — complete database for FSB. We must stay away from this net now, however, as well as everything else made in USSR.

"Dullness and humility return to society, bright and independent people are not in demand."

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