Vividion Therapeutics Formally Withdraws IPO Application

Onco-biotechnology company Vividion Therapeutics, which develops drugs based on small molecules in the preclinical stage of research work, withdrew the application for the initial public offering. The company first applied in June 2021 of the year, planning to attract 100 million dollars, but first in August announced the takeover by Bayer AG for 2 billion dollars.

Vividion Therapeutics Formally Withdraws IPO Application

Company headquartered in San Diego, California, was founded in 2013 year, and for 12 Months, ended 31 Martha 2021 of the year, her income from joint actions amounted to 43 million dollars. The company involved listing on the stock exchange Nasdaq under the ticker VVID. The collective organizers of the issue of shares were to be J.P.. Morgan, BofA Securities и Jefferies.

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