Webmaster sounds proud! (trader vs webmaster)

Good mood to you all!

Considering my success in the financial markets, I put aside the silver parmesan and hazel grouse, put his chin on his hand and thought….

But people live, eat buckwheat, sleep on the wooden floor and wow, live and rejoice. Trade themselves on their own or investor 20 000 ye, someone even more, make their 3-7% per month (not every month, certainly) and sometimes buy Kinders for their children for the New Year from profits… Maybe I can do it too?

Вряд ли.

I am a clown, insignificance, poor webmaster, who only can, what to create a website and make money on it 500-2500 yea a month without any discussion of the markets, финансах, analysts and forecast of the euro dollar rate for 2012 2013 годы от мировых банков. Really reconcile and remain a false guru in the eyes of those, who stands on a platinum pedestal with a luminous halo at the crown?

Obviously, this is my lot…

Barely holding back tears, Dmitry Stetsko dropped his head in his hands and burst into tears. When he finished crying, my soul felt better. Poured myself a Jenssen Arcana cognac, lit a Havana cigar Montecristo, releasing a cloud of brown smoke, got off the golden toilet (this detail could have been omitted, but, given the circumstances, the presentation must be accurate) и задумался

Let me goof, let me drain the money and so what? After all, the trader's goal — do not draw beautiful schedule yield curve, and make money. And if a month is at a loss for a trader, what to buy to eat? How to pay for an apartment, детский сад, школу, what to refuel the car? And if an investor waves his pen and finds another trader — what then? Break the piggy bank and add money to the account, putting your future on good luck again?

These thoughts seemed to Dmitry so correct, that he smiled, представляя, as one of the Smartlab correct traders, accusing him of unprofessionalism, calling friends, знакомых, parents with a request to lend some money for that, on everything, and put on the counter…

  Investidea: компания Cryoport, потому что заморозка

The thought worked on…

Children grow up. What can I teach them? Trade? Disperse deposits, occasionally encountering that, that the money ran out, trend did not take place, the investor turned out to be a tyrant, and there is no salary for that reason, that the fundamental disagreed with the opinion Doll =)

However, I can always teach them how to make internet projects, thought Dmitry. Create something on the Internet with your own hands, what will be interesting for people, good for them, visited. It dawned on him: at the time, how trader works on foreign territory according to unclear rules, the webmaster creates his own trend, because every minute of time, spent on the Internet project — this is a price increase, this is an uptrend. And only the person himself can change the uptrend to the downtrend with his own hands., abandoning your project, don't give a damn about optimization and monetization.

Everything is fair in this game, everything is transparent. From the very first day of working on a startup, you increase your profits, which, by analogy with trading, is paper, however, time goes by and you see, how volumes grow, you open new positions, investing new efforts, and over time, the wheel spins by itself and you just get passive income.

This is what I can teach children., or maybe I will just pass on my projects to them.

It's great to puzzle over the startup niche, over monetization and the way to attract visitors, over optimization.

How cool it is to dig into the page code, looking for some wrong tag or syntax error.

It's great to set goals and achieve them.

However, I have not traded with a normal partner yet (we read a post about it, which forex bank to choose)

Life is a process of constant choice. At every moment, a person has a choice: or retreat, or progress towards the goal. Or a move towards even greater fear, страхам, защите, or the choice of the goal and the growth of spiritual strength. To choose development instead of fear ten times a day means to move ten times towards self-realization..
Abraham Maslow


Spending about 6 minutes I earned about 60 Dollars, by posting a few links and an article on the blog. This is a guaranteed profit, I was asked to do it in exchange for money. Don't just say, what you don't know about article and link exchanges Miralins, Gogetlinks And Getgudlinks.

  Normal guys

Nice to know, that we were useful to each other, we continue to cooperate and get satisfaction from a quality partnership. It's not just material satisfaction, but also moral.

Now I decided to create a new startup, Internet resource, in the language of a trader — start a new uptrend. Which would bring both pleasure and money. While choosing a niche. Maybe, it will be designed for runet, maybe on a bourgeoisie, there is also an idea to focus on local requests, but I don't like it very much. There are many nuances, but I'm sure, that everything will work out for me, because as for creating your resource — I have a crazy energy here, I can work for days.

Considering, that I will work at the first stage, at least myself — no costs — hosting is, a domain costs a penny. All the experience of Internet activity will come in handy here., so there will be where to turn around. God willing to live — realizing my goals. I initially give up on the idea of ​​creating 10-20 Projects, selling links, I like to work with one resource, do a white project for people, not govnosites for Sapu or even for selling links, not to mention doorways.

I will be guided by income 10000-15000 yea a month, so you can think about monetization in advance. Sancher — if you want to buy a BMW X6 — start digging in this direction, don't listen to those smart guys, That «quite specifically» traders. They have bare butts, that's why they are looking for investors =)

For those readers, who were disappointed in Dima Stetsko — don't worry. Trading — this is not the most profitable type of business and not the most rewarding. Hours and years of life, spent on it — may well not give you that, what you dreamed of. Think initially about, how to evenly distribute your resources in several directions, so as not to be trapped. However,, it was for me that trading became that way, which led to the creation of this blog and its monetization. And I'm losing money on the handicap, without experiencing terrible suffering and experiences, because my rear is provided with my experience and work, spent on blog promotion. I learned how to write articles competently, experienced in SEO optimization, worked with various affiliate programs and social networks, etc..

  Where do I trade

Although, if you remember the past, then i have years 20 dreamed about, that I will have my own Internet resource, помнишь, DEM? И их, really, there were several. So that, probably, it is the webmaster — my destiny, my daimon.

Each person has a specific calling and mission in life.. Everyone must fulfill their destiny. No one person can be replaced by another, and no life can be repeated. Each person has his own unique task and inherent only opportunities to fulfill it..
Victor Frankl

Main, define for yourself the case, которое вам нравится.

Zen trading — it's creating your own trend, following your DAO, not playing to someone else's tune. I'm just a brake, that I was looking for an answer to my question for so long =)))

By the way,, my project will not be devoted to financial markets. In my opinion, this is not a promising direction.. Now there are a lot of DCs and brokers, affiliate programs are changing, many trades are not counted, the internet is littered with banners and advertisements, so the likelihood of opening accounts using your referral links decreases, but this is IMHO.

Choose a job you like, and you won't have to work a single day in your life.

Success and profit!

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