Van Tharp: Super trader. How to make money on the exchange in any conditions

Ван Тарп: Супертрейдер. Как зарабатывать на бирже в любых условияхAnnotation to the book “Super trader. How to make money on the exchange in any conditions”

This book will help you transform from just a trader to a super trader.!
Van Tharp, legendary guru of stock trading, will reveal to you the secrets of his time-tested trading strategy, thanks to which you can achieve unprecedented success. Author's advice on how to process, and in the psychology of trading will allow you to avoid losses and build your work like this, so that your income grows constantly. From Books you will learn, how to set goals correctly and achieve them; how to find a winning mindset; how to perceive the situation comprehensively and see additional opportunities for income and much more. Building on Tharp's colossal experience, his unique trading methods and psychological approaches, you will successfully trade in any markets: with growing, downtrend and horizontal trend. Follow the golden rule of every super trader: “Your income should constantly grow!”.


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