We go over our heads in pink glasses

Hello, Friends!

Hope, you will forgive me a small mistake in the title of the post, this is for rhyme.

I came to that, that any work should be socially positive, positive social contribution. If you don’t do anything for people, if your business or deed does not improve the lives of other people, then you are a parasite. Not a very happy picture, in my opinion?

There is a very simple way to understand, are you on the right track — ask yourself a question: will any of your clients be upset. if you close your business, will someone cry, having learned, that you have retired into oblivion?

If the answer is «No» — what's the point in that, чем вы занимаетесь?

My blog, as i noticed, has primary value not in articles about trading, but those personal experiences and experiments, which I share with you. It is for such posts that the most sincere and grateful letters are written to me..

And this is probably what, why should I keep writing, paying more and more attention to the issues of choosing this or that path, behavior patterns, clash of interests of the individual and society, outbursts of emotions, manifestations of selfishness, etc..

I was here in the comments to this post suggested to take this point of view, what trading is possible earn take money away from people (а вы знаете, that any profit on your account means a loss on another trader's account), investing some of these funds for the benefit of people. We strangle with one hand, we caress the other?

Это не смешно, gentlemen.


From the comments I see, how ambivalent and fragmented our thoughts are. We say the same thing and immediately contradict ourselves.

Here trader из Гродно говорит, that society has not thanked anyone for their contribution, and many die in poverty and loneliness, unrecognized, forgotten… It's not a problem. The person himself consciously makes his choice and is responsible for the result. We cannot influence our future on 100%, это верно. We can't even say for sure, how long should we live, but the golden rule is — everyone has the opportunity here and now to do something to improve their current life. Прямо Сейчас! We are adults and understand, what actions, undertaken today, will improve our life tomorrow, And what, vice versa, it will be worsened. Now smoked cigarette, undoubtedly, make you sicker, but deposited in a bank account 10% income for this month will bring a little more stability to your financial condition.

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That fact, that someone died in poverty does not deny that, that another has achieved recognition. We are responsible for our life and for the result, каким бы он ни был. And there is no need to shift responsibility to society, government or rock.

And then the Trader from Grodno answers, what

FinSerfing, in no case should we do the same in response to people! It's just the harsh truth of life - if you don't take care of yourself, no one will take care of you, this is especially true of finance ...

It turns out such a dualism in one sentence. We shouldn't, but that's life… So I didn't get it, Trader, ты определись. We shouldn't? or this is life, that man is a wolf to man. As far as I remember, you donated your part of the prize to charity, is not it so? You made your choice and it is deliberately aimed at creation, и никакая «life truth» didn’t prevent you from giving this money to sick children, right? For the message came from a pure heart, from gluuin, and no false words could tell him, imposed «garbage» предубеждения. That's just this and not otherwise! We will be consistent in our decisions. If everyone is guided by an inner understanding of justice, love and honor, then the world will be different.

An old trading comrade wrote to me recently… He sold the apartment and is trading with this money. When he has a profit — he happily writes to me about his plans to move, buying a home, shares some dreams. When the loss — everything happens the other way around. He's writing, that while the plans are scolded, there are losses, and all this goes on forever and for him and for everyone. He reminds me a lot, probably that's why we still communicate.

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And me and he, and many, many other traders live in the future. Waiting for that, that a miracle will happen and all our dreams will come true ONCE. And all, What do we have to do — keep doing that, which doesn't make sense, what has ceased to satisfy our deepest needs, that for so many years has shown its inconsistency.

To understand, are you on the right path, isn't it time to change it, ответь, Дима, one question, to which I answered myself not so long ago. Let's call it «принципом немедленных изменений«. Taking a new path, you should immediately feel positive changes in your life. More confidence, inspirations, financial stability, свободного времени, новых знания, communication with like-minded people, etc.. Ask a Question:

Have you gotten closer to your dream in the last year? Or is it all in the same place, где был 3 years ago, 5 years ago…

Don't lie to yourself. We are changing and no need to cling to, what has ceased to satisfy our needs, which does not bring positive changes to our lives right now, does not nourish the financial and spiritual and social component.

Мне очень жаль, that some of the old acquaintances have left their blogs, because my blog gave me a lot. I stopped growing in trading for a long time, everything is clear and he, rather, became the background, where I became interested in psychology, webmastering, online business, etc.. And it was the blog that gave me 90% material for working on yourself and your life. And trading directly — 10%. And if I had all these 6 for years only traded and did not blog, it's scary to think, how much time would i waste!

  From the current

I am not against trading! Not at all, we need to know everything in comparison, drink vodka, to feel, how does it feel — be a brainless ram, not controlling speech and movement, поругаться матом, to see, how it made me feel bad, take out anger on your children, to feel remorse… But this is given to us for that, to understand, where power and justice, and where is the lie and weakness.

Hard to take, and tell yourself STOP! Admit your mistakes, go astray, which doesn't match «принципу немедленных изменений» and bring something new and inspiring to life. But it needs to be done, if you don't want to end up at a broken trough.

Summarizing, I will only note, that I will try to move away from all activities, in which any parasitic manifestations are possible. Let not immediately, по чуть-чуть. This needs to be done.

А тем, who wants to build their future at the expense of other people, parasitizing in one way or another, могу сказать с уверенностью, that the result will be completely different, how did you draw it in your dreams.

Good luck!

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