I got into intrigue…..pancake… :)

I got hit like that — сам того не подозревая, previous post about a successful LVS stock deal, crossed the road to salesmen from Ukraine, selling the Wolfich program :)
Why? At first I did not even suspect, пока не получил сообщение от анонима с выдержкой quotes с форума стокпортал, where they hang out in a separate thread:

“..And the entrance is? ))) It is written there correctly – if you work on demos with pizzhenny aykufid, then you can sit out the feet for three days, And 60 instruments to trade… )))

Think, here translation from Ukrainian is required (translate.google.with):

“I do not see the entry into the position. There it is written correctly in the comments — if you work on demo accounts with stolen data from the quotes provider iqfeed.net, then you can even sit out your feet on 3 ATR and trade at the same time 60 tools”

We will not dwell on the incomprehensibility of why this is if you use stolen data., then you can sit out the feet in 3 ATR, не в этом суть, but the bottom line is that it means that a person is sure, or wants to assure others of this that transactions are made on a demo account.
It became unclear to me why suddenly such a reaction happened. — I read the branch on the stockportal a little more in detail and realized that it was all to blame, specifically, LVS shares — Volfikh's sales imitate trading for educational and advertising purposes specifically and only for LVS shares, buying at the lowest and selling at the highest — backdating, certainly. And one forum member posted a message to them in the thread with a link to my yesterday's post in LiveJournal with a deal on the LVS stock. Type, while you are here [censored] And [censored], people on 10% at a time take on your stock. So Volfikh's salesmen started up — непорядок, authority is undermined, etc.. :)

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I went to the forum, answered them, provided a scan of the transaction confirmation from the broker, or rather not them, and for those who may doubt the truth of the deal (in the previous post in the comments). Then they began to assert that from 50 cents drawdown i'm sweating…. Interesting, how do they know such intimate details :) Actually, I only sweat when 10 I run km cross :) Then, when I noticed what is our difference with them — the fact that they sell off-market products, and I really trade on this market, followed by the answer that they had money in the account in 10 times more than mine…. It got me thinking — how do they know the size of my account — it seems that Volfikh with their trojans and keyloggers did not install on his computer. Strange. But then I realized that they, most likely cunning, to put it mildly. :)

The main ideologists are there — ostensibly, merchants under nicknames “Cypa Trademaster” And “Parasite”, though, most likely this is the same person. Both appeared on the forum with the beginning of the Volfikha thread and were not seen in other threads, although one of them claims to be trading with 2004 years in Refko big SP500, but it's strange that on the phone. Really in 2004 a year ago there was no Internet or the guys got confused in time, or maybe they were still running under the table on foot and now they think that the Internet appeared only last year. :)
Asked carefully — and through whom do you trade now?. Answer — through Dorman, RSG and MFglobal. Understandably — хороший фьючерс stock LVS……. Who is not in the know, none of the listed brokers trade American stocks. :) Think, further exposing the errand boys is pointless, and so everything is clear with them.

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In general, this branch on the stockportal is rather dirty, so who doesn't want to spoil his mood, it's better not to go there. Do not know, are they the owners of this program or just errand boys, but usually, Happens, какие люди, such and outgoing products they have. So I won't be surprised, if the program is stuffed with Trojans and other unwanted elements. If they're just errand boys, I would not advise the true owners of the program to get involved with such elements, since if this is not a one-day project, then such a dirty promotion is unlikely to be useful in the long run.

A little bit later.
Now Tsypa, understanding my cant with MFGlobal, claims to be trading LVS stock at MerylLinch in such a volume that I never dreamed of. :)
The only thing is that the citizens of Ukraine, like Russian trading accounts, Unfortunately, they don't open there. Грустно, but frank, illiterate lie.

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