In the fight against speculators in the United States intend to limit the activities of traders

Traders in the US may face a limit on the volume of positions on some commodities, like oil, wheat and gold.

The relevant proposal should be considered by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Commodity Futures Trading Commission, CFTC). All restrictions may affect 28 types of goods, affecting corn futures trading, wheat, slaughter, oat, cotton, oil, fuel oil, gasoline, cocoa, milk, sugar, silver, palladium and platinum. In total, they will touch 400 companies.

This step is associated with the claims of a number of companies, who accuse speculators of rising prices in 2008 year. Ранее CFTC уже пыталась ввести ограничения, but the federal court denied the commission this, finding her claims insufficiently substantiated.

“They should come up with an economic analysis, market-based, to show, that there is a real need to impose a restriction ”, - noted the partner Dorsey & Whitney LLP Томас Горман.

Congress introduced a speculation rule to the Dodd-Frank Act following a price spike in 2008 year. Then the value of wheat increased to $13,495 per bushel, and oil - up to $147,27 per barrel. Then consumer prices associated with these products increased., and companies, sensitive to raw material prices, the speculators were found guilty.

"Definitely, fuel was a big problem, - notes the head of the Public Citizen program Tyson Slokam. - It's kind of like antitrust rules. They simply limit the ability of one or a small group of players to dominate the market ”.

Previously reported, that commodity traders have earned more in ten years, than banks and car giants.

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