The horrors of Libyan totalitarianism

Originally posted by [info]lex_kravetski at The horrors of Libyan totalitarianism

* GDP per capita - 14 192 $.

* For each family member, the state pays a year 1000 $ subsidies.

* Unemployment benefits - 730 $.

* Nurse salary - 1 000 $.

* For each newborn is paid 7 000 $.

* Newlyweds are given 64 000 $ to buy an apartment.

* For opening a personal business, one-time financial assistance - 20 000 $.

* Крупные taxes и поборы запрещены.

* Education and medicine are free.

* Education and internship abroad - at the expense of the state.

* A chain of stores for large families with symbolic prices for basic food products.

* For the sale of products with an expired shelf life - heavy fines and detention by special police units.

* Part of pharmacies - with free dispensing of drugs.

* For counterfeiting drugs - the death penalty.

* Rent - absent.

* There is no electricity payment for the population.

* Sale and consumption of alcohol is prohibited - "dry law".

* Loans for the purchase of a car and an apartment - interest-free.

* Real estate services are prohibited.

* Buying a car before 50% paid by the state, to the fighters of the people's militia - 65%.

* Gasoline is cheaper than water. 1 liter of gasoline - 0,14 $.

(a source)

I checked for three days. Checked. Everything is just like that. If someone double-checks and clarifies, I will be happy. The only amendment (specified by Ali, which I was talking about): 730 $ not unemployment benefit, and something like a welfare for those, whoever work, nor study in principle (or at the behest of the family) does not want. There is no unemployment as such. Well, certainly, should be taken into account, that all this is due to oil. Port dues and other non-oil revenues are not subject to sharing. Also keep in mind, that migrant workers, many, because Libyans disdain many activities, get much less (from 250 to 500 $ per month), but government hostels and medical services, in addition to neurosurgery and dentistry, they are also free of charge, but there is no private hire.

  this is wonderful

(a source)

How, under such inhuman conditions of life, one cannot overthrow a tyrant? Libyan people came out in a united impulse to fight for Freedom and Western Values. And only lying soviet provocateurs doubted this.

And wished NATO to help civilian Libyan citizens to live with dignity. Real, to , proven democrats ruled the country, not totalitarian people's choices. And it has come that a reliable Capitalist Economy, not a humiliating barracks with free housing and education. And there was a Market: with interest on loans, derivatives and the entire Civilized World accepted wages for non-European countries of the population - thirty dollars a month. It is not good for savages to equate themselves with Whites!

May the execution for drug counterfeiting be abolished. Let the sticks not be put in the wheels of entrepreneurship. Yes, the buyer will vote with a dinar, and yes the Invisible Hand of the Market will fix everything by itself. And may the Banker come, Realtor and Dealer, and may they establish the Righteous System.

There was no life worthy for the most worthy of citizens. And the people could not stand. And rose to fight the tyrant. And the Good Hawks flew from their nests in Paris and Washington. And inflicted Vivifying Humanitarian Strikes on the hotbeds of totalitarianism. And their Judgments are free from the sequence. And the inexhaustible Nobility of their Flexible Thoughts. And will fall under his pressure Chavez, Kim Jong Il, Castro and Lukashenko. And the Kingdom of Decent Life for the Worthy and Market Liberalism for all others will shine over the world.

Jedi are not fighting for oil, but for Freedom from tyranny!

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