An exciting activity.

I spent the whole evening at the chartgame, tried different approaches. Did 2000%, then lost, as a result settled on 1650% :) Falltrending, unequivocally, более прибыльный (not for nothing, на нем стремительно поднялись различные “market cycle guru”), but in what sense, if there is a successful stock, and jumped in the direction of disclosure “fans of medium”, then there and 70 And 100% maybe without any shoulders (buy & holders applaud their own genius, if the market has grown, certainly). But now it falls into flat, or saw, the deposit is being cut, which is now at the LCHI for many and we observe. If the shoulders are used, you can cut to zero. Counter trend too, gives you a stable income, but on some stocks the strength of the trend is very powerful. It seems to be overbought, nowhere higher, and divergence, and the price keeps increasing. In a word, combined method – foreva, there is one difficulty with him, Really. When you often follow the trend, for example – see no signs of a reversal, the eye gets blurry, you adapt to the method, narrowness of perception occurs, actually, this is the main problem of traders, using a specific methodology for a specific market. We need to think wider, and watch more timeframes.
By the way, simulators like this help to change your point of view on some things.

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