morning comment

The market managed to scramble out well, although oil and copper did not show much dynamics.
Optimists try to convince, that Goldman can defend himself and it's okay. In fact, it just opened “a door” for more. A tougher reform in the financial industry will surely be adopted, and will also fray the nerves of other financial companies. Usually those, who fall into the millstones of American jurisprudence are subject to huge losses, as material, so moral and it doesn't matter right or wrong. Some already predict moral bankruptcy for Goldman. I think, that they will resist, but the price will be high.
From a technical point of view, retention above the mark will be positive 1200, respectively, negative – below.
If the market behaves more positively, than i expect, then you have to hide behind a breakeven and then reposition yourself. As we know, TOP is not formed in one day, therefore, pulling up is not excluded.

June oil traded in large volumes, so we look at the June contract

By the way, India raised its interest rate by 25 bps and no reaction, but this is also a hint to China. And if China raises, then the reaction will be immediately negative.

  Commodity Markets Perspective
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