
Chatted with Герчиком Senya on skype))..

I said, that last week doubled the depot) Kinda cool… To which Alexander Mikhailovich answered me, that I'm a complete loshara))) “Doubled 10k $ and rejoices)) It has come to what .. disgrace)” then gives out:

A.M: – I have for May already 30% from a serious depot on one of the accounts
I: Serious depot – this skok?) 100 000$?)

to which he sent вот это)))))))

I really don't know how much you can trust it, I mean that this is exactly his account, but first of all, he has never deceived me, secondly, the style of transactions in principle… I did not check the patterns according to the schedule, but in the same original PDFe, I can see by eye that there are a lot of trades on a heap of instruments with a short stop.. And some shares…  Everything seems to fit..

I’m all I count for..
It is necessary to bleat the level to raise your own... it has allready passed 4 of the year, and I spin everything from $ 1000—>60 000$, to c 10 000$—-> 100 000$… We can have enough of it already to engage in ebatoria? Maybe it's time to grow up at last, otherwise I'm sitting in the sandbox.. together with Martynov)

I have a couple of investor accounts on 100 000$… and I have enough. This is the problem.. Ie. they can give me more, but I can't take it myself.. It's just that the bar is like that.. I'm not ready to trade a few lam bucks, despite, that I am trading a plus..

For someone lam bucks – this is the meaning and purpose of all life, and for someone such a margin in the monthly statement comes)))))))))) That's where the fucking level is..

And I'm a rogue so far… by the standards of any successful trader))) I would even say a bum)))

  Not news & results of the week

I left the trade room today.. profit margin at the end of the day was +3000$. It is worth thinking globally, why +3000$, but not +300 000$?

I think it's time to change something) It is high time..

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