Hooray, life has become more fun :)

I've been benefiting for a long timeyusOffered WIMAX technology from Comstar. Suddenly I stopped receiving a signal. I go to their website and see- “Join 4G From MTS”. С какой стати? Aaaa, turns out to be(poc)the frequency commission took care of consumers and closed the WIMAX network.
Cold, have to throw away your hotspot and modem. What does 4G give me?!
You will have to buy a new modem and until the new year for free, and then 1.5 rubles per megabyte, that is, if I paid 60 rubles for 15GB per day in WIMAX, then now I have to replenish the pockets of the MTS 1.5 * 15000 = 22500 rubles.

I also liked the following:
****Automatic switching between 4G and 2G / 3G networks without disconnecting the connection is not possible.

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