SEC throws a stone at the Bears | uptick rule

Today the old rule seems to be introduced uptick rule, I didn’t find him and therefore I don’t know for sure how to trade with him now. I almost always use short markets, and now they will turn into limit owners, I feel it will be fun, especially on MOS.

Rule of growth of quotes ( uptick rule ) appeared in the USA in 1938 year - it prohibits investors from selling a share short, if the price of the previous transaction is not equal or not lower than the price of the transaction being performed. The main purpose of the rule is to discourage speculators, those wishing to play on a decrease in quotations. According to the rule of growth of quotations “short” promotions are only possible after, how their value rises above the price, by which the investor borrowed shares. In the USA uptick rule was canceled in july 2007 of the year, after SEC acknowledged, that the restriction has no effect on trading. However, in SEC did not take into account, that the research was done in a growing market, when the effect of the rule is invisible. In early March of this year, the chairman of the financial committee of the US House of Representatives, Barney Frank, said, that this rule can be restored as early as April, to reduce volatility in the markets. The need for this was recognized by the head FED I'm Bernanke.

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