Exercises for the eyes

For the sake of good vision, do not regret 10 minutes per day.

Eye charger works wonders, if you do it regularly. Of the proposed 10 exercises you can choose from five, but the whole complex needs to be devoted approximately 10 minutes every day.

1. Blink frequently for two minutes - this normalizes intraocular circulation.

2. Slant your eyes to the right, and then look in a straight line. Do the same in the opposite direction..

3. Feel the darkness. Is considered, that immersion in darkness promotes the production of rhodopsin in light-sensitive cells - a substance, necessary for clear vision.

4. Do circular rotations with your head: right left, up down. This activates blood circulation..

5. Exercise resembles an exercise bike. Move your eyes in different directions: right left, up down, in a circle, figure eight.

6. Close your eyes on 3-5 seconds, then open your eyes. Повторить 7 once. Exercise relaxes the eye muscles and activates blood circulation.

7. Press down on the upper eyelids with your fingers, but effortlessly, hold in this position for about two seconds. Perform in series - by 4-5 once. Exercise improves the drainage of intraocular fluid.

8. Stand by the window, focus on the subject, located in the immediate vicinity (point on glass), and then move your gaze to the distant object (house or tree). Повторите 10 once.

9. Close your eyes and slowly move your eyeballs up and down. Повторите 5-10 once.

10. With your eyes open, draw simple geometric shapes in the air first., and then complex objects and large-scale compositions.

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