Tours to Madagascar in Mahajanga

Madagascar is one of the most beautiful islands in the world, активно посещаемый туристами. Львиную долю в бюджет страны приносят доходы от туристического сектора. Wonderful holidays in Madagascar in winter and in summer, lovers of exotic from all over the world strive to get here, чтобы отлично отдохнуть и познакомиться с уникальной природой, sights and cultural traditions of the peoples of the island.

Among the many resorts of Madagascar, расположенных на побережье Индийского океана, Mahajanga deserves special attention. The city is located on the shores of the Mozambique Channel, 600 kilometers north-west of the island's capital. The population is about 111 thousands of people. Mahajanga is one of the oldest towns on the island and is famous for, as the capital of the former kingdom of Buin.

The name of the city is translated as "city of flowers" and Mahajanga fully corresponds to its name. Truth, the surroundings of these places are very uneven: rainforests prevail on the north side, from the west - savannah, in the south - a desert area. The state of the land and climate explains the nature of the flora and fauna of these places., seven varieties of baobab grow here, lovely orchids, lemurs live, radiant turtles, butterflies and even rare selakanta fish.

The climate of Madagascar off the coast of the Indian Ocean is tropical, and it rarely rains in Mahajanga, mostly dry weather, the air temperature in the mountains and on the coast is somewhat different: in the flat part, it can reach + 40 ° C, while in the mountains it does not rise above + 25 ° C.

Mahazanga, like resorts Мозамбика, tours which are equally popular, than to Madagascar, famous for its excellent conditions, made for beach holidays. Guests of these places love to relax on the beaches of the Gran Gavua d'Amburuvi, Kacepi, Buena bay, on the coast of the nearby island of Radama.

Often, tourists visit the Tsingi de Bemaraha nature reserves located in the vicinity of Mahajangi., Marutandran, Ankarafantsika, Ambuhidzanahari, Bemarivu, Namuruka, experimental forest station Ampizurua, sacred lakes Ravelube and Mangatsa, as well as, located 80 kilometers away, Andzuhibe grottoes and Mahafanina waterfalls.

The city also has many facilities, worthy guests: sacred hill Duani, numerous mosques, Museum, where the personal belongings of the four kings of Buin are kept, ruins of the royal fortress Ruva, Arab shopping malls in the Old City, "Graveyard of ships", 500-summer baobab, And, certainly, local markets Mahabibu and Tsaramandruzu, where a huge number of all kinds of spices and souvenirs from materials are collected, produced in Madagascar.

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Outdoor enthusiasts choose hunting, fishing and diving in the area of ​​the small islands of the Mozambique Strait. Those wishing to have fun visit the entertainment quarters of Manga and Anbuavualanan, stroll along the embankment and the Old Town, looking into restaurants and cafes.

Traveling to Mahajanga can be a great alternative to standard tours to Turkey and Egypt, as well as exotic rest in Namibia 2012 of the year. Give yourself the opportunity to have a wonderful time in one of the most beautiful corners of the planet!

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