Stupidly copy-paste

I haven't written such speeches for a long time)) Already nostalgia ..)

Keep doing that, что делаешь, and you will have that, what have you.

Each of us has lived some kind of life and in fact has a certain result..
If you don't change your lifestyle now, then the result will remain the same,
ie. just multiplied by an additional number of years.

One can be content, but you can strive for more. I'm interested in exponential growth. Therefore, I need to think about my situation., like a strategist, leaning over the geopolitical map of the world and placing his chips.

Behavior – result of thoughts. И вот там, in the skull, everyone has it
many bugs. Knowing this makes it possible to find them and fix.

For example, one of my most parasitic – think within “Right away” and one two days. This is impatience, trying to pick an apple, which is not yet ripe. You must be able to wait, like an ancient Slavic hunter who set traps for an elk. Like a maniac Dexter, patiently stalking its victims. And you need to be able to enjoy this moment…

Another bug – be afraid to look at your Future Map. This is a subconscious fear, in practice, expressed by the desire to somehow distract oneself, just not to think. But playing blind you are doomed to fail.

Let's be fair, for most people this fear is justified, because. their life is in a deplorable state. And looking the truth in the face will give them a lot of pain. But this is righteous pain. This is a necessary sacred sacrifice for the sake of transcendental forces..

Невозможное – it's an illusion. Everything is possible. After all, you have more than one day at your disposal. You are honored, start the ritual now, which materializes what you want.

(c) racner
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