tunnel vision

I often talk to traders and think about blinders, which inexperienced traders wear.

You must see the general market situation.

What moods prevail now, how the market reacts to news and so on.

You can't help but follow.

Your long in a falling market will collapse in most cases, even schedule очень красивый.
Or you see a short situation and a huge offer, and the market is turning, it can be easily demolished.
Or will it be just a takeaway.

We – traders, working with probabilities. Our task is to find that situation, where the odds will be in our direction.
If you go counter-trend, they go down significantly..

Here, when you walk down the street and see the crowd, which is moving in your direction. Что вы сделаете?
I doubt, what will you make your way. Then why do you act differently during the auction??

You need to pay attention to everything.

Don't wear shorts, see, try to understand the market situation and get into resonance.

This is the only way you can start earning.

you can say, something, what did I say, terribly trite.

Absolutely accurate!

But people don't stop making this mistake and pay dearly for it..

Think once again on hurt.

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