Three things.

Modern psychologists say, to assimilate any significant event in your life, human, must do three things: chew, swallow and digest. It seems, everything is elementary. The comfort zone cannot be expanded instantly, claustrophobic patients are treated, closing the door to the room by an inch, you need to adapt to changes. But imagine the situation: starving traveler, finds the carcass of a recently deceased cloven-hoofed animal. There is no fire nearby, and hunger for many days makes itself felt. Our hero pounces on the meat, wielding a knife, without chewing swallows huge chunks, and can't stop. He drinks it down right there, from a dubious source. It would seem that, hunger is finally satisfied? Not, he continues to eat, being afraid, that hard times will come again. And they come. Indigestion, vomiting and diarrhea, maybe, infectious disease…
You ask, and what does the market have to do with it?, and why are you waiting for a large-scale correction? Yes, just now another piece is being swallowed, and then, maybe still, and further. And the waiter has enough of them on the tray. Think, if the powers that be, understood human psychology better, he was somewhat more harmonious…

With this post I am planning to take a break from blogging.. It has nothing to do with anything., just decided to switch to other things.

  IPO Confluent (economic model)
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