Interview | Sakura Shade Trading

Dmitry, Good afternoon! All in all, the first question is standard: how did you manage?

-Yes, Constantine, I understood what you are talking about I have been constantly getting into something since childhood. AND, certainly, I could not pass by trading. The first acquaintance took place, when i was years old 18-20, but thoroughly for studying the subject, I sat down about three years ago. AND, no matter how trite it may sound, it was the need that led me to trading. I'm a conceited person., and Trading seemed to be a tool for satisfying his own ambitions.

Tell, how it was?

– Standard, like everyone else. At first I thought, that I will somehow deal with my emotions and will not replenish the galaxy of deposit drainers. Wrong. Opportunities to earn big money literally in minutes or hours, figuratively speaking, tears off the roof, does not give the slightest chance to comprehend what is happening. I can tell, what for, to stay afloat, I had to work many times more, than before, how i started trading. Although my first real deposit I won in the contest of traders. And it was from him that he withdrew a serious amount., which was my annual salary at my previous job, making a trade in two days on the growth of oil.

You didn't give up after the first most sensitive and brutal lessons of the market.?

-Fortunately, I've moved it. but, can't say, that it was easy. Gone Fire, water and copper pipes. I don't wish it on the enemy. Maybe, the reason is still, that I am an individualist by nature, I try to learn from my mistakes. So I tasted everything.. Got punched in the forehead and went ahead again.. Over time, the fever and haste began to recede., trade has moved in a meaningful direction.

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What's Next? What market analysis methods do you use??

-How did it happen?, that I accepted for myself such a thought, that it makes sense to trade “on your own” only in an aggressive manner, contrary to the established recommendations on 2-3% risks from the deposit on the transaction. After that, I began to actively study and research the methods of aggressive trading., since conservative (low-risk) trading on small deposits, in my opinion, not very productive. Besides, from the very beginning I began to study the graphic analysis of Japanese candlesticks., applying my knowledge in practice and I can say without excessive modesty, that he succeeded in this business. In the Runet, there are only a few real specialists in candlestick analysis, most traders, talking about candles, rather vaguely imagining, what it is. By the way,, over the years of studying stock trading, I managed to be an analyst, and moderator and administrator of traders' forums and consider, that in this business every hardworking person will find a place.

What's in the future? Are there goals??

-Undoubtedly, the goals are. I won't reveal them all., I'll just say, that trading has given me a lot and no matter how hard I try, I’m unlikely to be able to part with it. At the moment, I started my own blog, which is called as it should be "Enchanted by Fujiyama. Graphical analysis of Japanese candlesticks», I work on video tutorials on this method of analysis, maybe, I will hold education, since many of my friends constantly ask me about trading and it will be better, if they are told about the subject by a practicing trader, rather than the host of free seminars in the DC, which the, quite possibly, never opened a deal. Potential investors are also negotiating with me., however, I'm preconfiguring myself with that., that I will not collect a "pool of investors" with small deposits. These are the plans in the future..

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Well,, good luck to you, Dmitry, in achieving the set objectives!

-Same here, Constantine! Glad to talk.

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