Trading- hard business!!!

 Yes already, sad and sorry sometimes to watch, how Trading affects the mental balance of traders. One trader already seems to me crazy…..although everyone manifests himself in his own way. Here is his last delirium:

“Dear LJ editorial staff.
A simple fisherman from the sea of ​​our vast homeland writes to you. In the last cycle of your articles, one of the veterans of your editorial office showed, how wonderful he is at catching the counter-trend. Inspired by his contagious example and immeasurable experience, I decided to double my catches, using his advice, Unfortunately, a nuance immediately arose, which was not described in the articles of a distinguished member of your editorial staff. According to his articles, after all, how to catch? Stand against the trend first, tn. counter-trend. Then, when the price goes against the position, need to be averaged at any of the levels, then average over and over, this is already a short counter-trend becomes a positional counter-trend, then the positional counter-trend becomes an investment counter-trend. Unfortunately, here the cycle of articles ended, but it seems to me, that there is a huge profit behind the investment counter-trend.
Dear editors, could you please check with your author, what am I doing wrong. So I went into a counter-trend position., and she once became profitable. As a result, such an important chain, as a short counter-trend / positional counter-trend / investment counter-trend was destroyed. For some reason, the author does not describe such a simple situation..

Turned off the radio. That's because, make up the same, everyone.”

I advise you to read more often the psychology of trading and something for your soul, to function fully, otherwise trading can devastate you . how materially, so spiritually.
Something I have in my tag “psychology”

My darling Katya laid out the performance of Vysotsky in the topic.

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