Traders are a herd of sheep

Hello, friends!

I get letters or comments sometimes, expressing bewilderment about the content of some of my blog posts.

Jetty, trading blog — so write about trading! Publish some figures there, patterns, Analytics. Write about pamma, about investing, about trading strategies.

To her. right now.

As you said — so it will be.

Confess, I would erase at all 90% of all the material on this blog just for the reason, that my attitude towards trading and traders has changed. And it's not about me alone. And in us.

I have not met so many insecure anywhere else, weak people, who live in pink castles influenced by cheap slogans, engage in self-deception about themselves and their lives, spit on the opinions of loved ones, withdrawing funds from the family budget, selling apartments and cars after the next drain at the next depot or giving away funds to replenish it. Of people, expressing their inner qualities already, what to strive to earn at the expense of others, with minimal investment of effort and do not care about the win-win principle.

Traders are very superstitious and suspicious. They catch signs, predictions, looking for high knowledge, but it's all just a mind trap, who don't understand, what are going on about their complexes. Although… Maybe traders really — these are people of the highest race? Edakie titans, megabrains, megahumans?

To put it mildly, this is not true! =)

It's not pleasant, that I am the same. And it was high time for me to understand and realize all this. But no., i had to go to this 7 years. How much more to go to you — одному Богу известно.

But it came! So all is not lost for me in this life — because i got out of this way.

  My webinar: "Investment, Trading, prop business - what is the difference?»

Do you want to stomp with the whole herd of sheep for a general haircut — melt. Play guessing games, зарабатывайте, радуйтесь, brag to each other about percentages and strategies (of course super secret and secret).

Я написал про education zen trading and as a result of communication with people, who responded to the offer came to some unfavorable conclusions, which finally strengthened my final conclusions.

I will not dwell on the content of the conversations..

I will only say, that some I just discouraged from trading and continuing self-deception, denied training. And some don't even know themselves, what do they want in this life. And some do not want to understand at all, that the reason for the failures in trading is not hidden in the strategy or MM, but in himself and his life.

And I have a word now «trader» associated with the word «баран». I will quickly remove the proud phrase «I — trader» with sides About me.


What am I talking about?.

Here's a look at the program «While everyone is at home». Was in 1992 such an interesting program, a little run-of-the-mill, where Timur Kizyakov hung out among the guests, telling about ZhZL. And then suddenly with 2006 of the year, his wife Elena began to lead the column «You will have a baby», where they began to show children from orphanages and attach them to families and the program turned from an ordinary one — into a splendid full-blooded and cohesive project with a strong social dimension. This is the obvious growth of the program. Thank them very much!

And here's another program with Andrey Malakhov — «Let them talk». I do not like this program, because there was a period, when you turn on the telly in the evening and find yourself just on this project. And someone spits at someone, mutuzit with a skinned fist on a red soaked face, swears… Scandals, dirty laundry, squabbles and dirt were the main content of the program. well, the electorate liked, otherwise they wouldn’t be looking.

  Billionaire 2011-05-10 16:27:33


So Andrey began to add the kindness and love we all need to the program., creating programs with forgotten artists, lost people, unjustly humiliated… And that is great! This is growth. Evident.

So far, only Leonid Yakubovich is stuck with his drum at the same level, although he had attempts, and repeated, get rid of the role of a funny joker clown, savoring homemade tomatoes. I still wish him a breakthrough. Уже пора.

Certainly, these are public people. I gave an example of them for clarity.. We see, that with age, everyone strives to find something more, rather than fame, fame or money. Anyone has the same thing., in more or less degree. Раньше или позже. But it happens. Unless his powers and energy merge, in what, quite possible, some structures are interested - but more on that later…

We all need to grow! From pop spotlights, created to please the consumer and popular dirty linen trends — to those programs and projects, who begin to give people beauty, love, compassion, gratitude.

We all need to learn this.. Это непросто, понимаю. But otherwise life will turn to shit, in which we will drown ourselves and in which our children and grandchildren will drown.

So that's about trading and about my blog.

You can't erase words from a song. Everything, what was written earlier — let it stay.

But don't wait, that I will continue to live with the same materials, who lived earlier. And write articles about Eurobucks, gold downtrend, unhappy investors and brokerage brokers…

It doesn't bother me much anymore. There will be fewer and fewer trading articles. And thoughts about life — все больше.

Hope, you will go your own way and stop slipping on trading forums and all sorts of herd resources in attempts to shout down each other.

  Долгая, счастливая жизнь...

As they say,

Sheep huddle in a herd, lions keep apart.
Antoine Rivarol

Thank you and good luck to you. At least until the next Zen trading blog update.

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