trading lyrics psto

Every day & quot; in the market" gives food for the mind and promotes some understanding of what is happening in my insides.
now i think so – in manual trading (don't take robots) there is no super system or super methods, which are guaranteed to work for the majority.
human, who makes money on the market, says and does quite ordinary and obvious things, которые всем известны.
he speaks as he sees, но он никак не опишет как он ЧУВСТВУЕТ charts.

all the salt and the whole point for him – only in using exactly that algorithm, which is PSYCHOLOGICALLY comfortable for him..
собственно этот алгоритм и должен искать каждый trader для себя..
it made me feel bad after that, how did i start trading those stocks, which in 90% cases will not make it to the list of many graduates of our well-known nyse / nasdaq seminars.. just such shares `` my '', but most will say `` what is this dregs…"

it turns out – survive trading, it means crossing that line, when the FEELING of the rhythm of the market reaches the level of usefulness in trading.
you see the tape – you FEEL her.
you see the chart – similarly..
this is already intuition! what is intuition? this is a look at the situation through the experience of the past, and no fucking inner voice..

all you need to do – be in the market and wind up your flight hours.

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