The trader owes the broker 100 000$
…I got short on KBIO through the night, expecting its smooth decline from the level 2$. At closing stock веля себя спокойно и я полагал, that nothing special will happen to her in an hour of trading. I was in my office for a long meeting. Everything was cut short for me, when my friend asked by SMS — how I survived my short KBIO today. Losing my 37 000$ — would be a disaster for me, but everything turned out to be much worse …

The share was worth 16$ and my account went into minus by 100 000$. Поначалу я думал, that this is some kind of mistake, broker Etrade -не мог допустить этого, they are required to close the position when the account reaches zero… but. I called them immediately and they confirmed, that I still keep this short. They said, that everything happened too fast, to close me, and now everything, what can be done — just liquidate the market position. I was crushed. I asked him to close me by 16$ and he offered to wait a bit for the best price. I said close right now, and he bought back the share for about 18.50$.

At this moment, not only mine evaporated 37 000$, I should have stayed about 106 000$….

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