Trade update

Couldn't post on time, therefore I inform, what is the remainder 30% ES shorts closed worse, because it moved the stop higher by 1094( entry price was 1093). The main profit was made from 1093 to 1060.
Also, the arbitrage model completely messed up its statistics, or rather, I ruined it. Such a feeling, that after trying to recreate the model on Excel, I entered into transactions in the opposite correct, insofar as schedule эквити зеркален подъему. If at the beginning of the graph there was a smooth rise, now a smooth fall.
ЧТо делать?
You can stop, until the result has turned from good to mediocre or continue to look for an error in the Excel.
I choose a sequel, despite, that this can significantly worsen the result.
Good luck to all.

  auto: delisting continues))
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