
Continuation. begining here…

A week ago, when I put together a test, “народный” PAMM portfolio, in order to check the possibility of investment in this area, and wrote about it in LJ, идея, in comments, was criticized, and it was suggested to invest in an aggressive account, in order to quickly make money on cognac “and drink immediately” (with). Что из этого получилось?

Portfolio of aggressive accounts, didn't work, но потерял, just the required amount (the cost of a bottle of good brandy). Minus for portfolio – 12,45%.
На момент написания заметки, investor profitability, in managers, look like this:
Волк с Уолл-Стрит +35.95%
The Great Sith +9.11%
Prosperity +7.91%
INTEGRIS +3.63% +3.56%
A-Scalp -2.93%
ACADEMIC -74.94%
Ruble -81.88%

Of particular note is the epic drain (almost on 95%, в моменте) ПАММа “Ruble” and moving it from the second line of the Alpha rating to 65 positions down (contributors, eight million rubles, awaiting, seemingly, disrupt quick profits, and did not have time to jump out, moved to the category of long-term investors, trying to get my money back). Also, on 75% sank PAMM AKADEMIK (there is less investor money, Total 92 thousands).

And what about our first portfolio? На удивление, he is doing well +3.82%.
For individual managers, the situation is as follows:
Победа +15.62%
Classical +11.58%
New Electronic +7.52% +3.56%
Anikin Semyon +0.73%
Сокровища Дракона +0.40%
1020713 +0.33%
Academy -9.16%

Almost everyone has a good or satisfactory result., and if not for the drawdown of PAMM Academy, the yield was considered excellent. I will notice, that we take into account the benefit for the investor, not the profitability of the PAMMs themselves, because the specifics are, that the investor takes risks, and shares the profit with the manager, moreover, the appetites of the councils are very decent – often, they want up to half of the amount they earn.

  There is at least ........

Top five leaders, in terms of profitability of investment, на сегодняшний момент (only from monitored accounts):
Волк с Уолл-Стрит +35.95%
Победа +15.62%
Classical +11.58%
Prosperity +7.91%
New Electronic +7.52%

An important remark. About two weeks ago PAMM “Prosperity”, having in control 37 million, provoked a massive exodus of investors, draining more than half of the remaining amount, and fixing the loss (by stop-out) more than five million rubles. And the leader of the list, “Волк с Уолл-Стрит”, and at all, was losing 3/4 funds.More, I counted the amount of real money, invested in PAMMs, входящие в портфель “Aggressive” – 28 311 945 rubles, And “People's” – 16 231 653 ruble. Draw your own conclusions.

We continue to observe.

When this report was written, выяснил, what is my first portfolio, bypassed the winner of the competition in terms of profitability “Portfolio of the week”, but, I thought, publicly displayed there automatically, and no, need to register.
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