Hello, friends!

It turns out like this, that as a result of interviewing people, who had a desire study with me zen trading, I have come to the conclusion, that there is no one to teach!

That is, these people are completely normal guys., but they were misinformed or confused in their desires and outlook on life, on Trading, on goals and prospects.

And here I was thinking — maybe I should start from the other end?

After all, there must be people, которые умом понимают, that they are losing precious time on the stock exchange, but can't get out of this way, sit on a needle and need support, понимании, assistance from those, who solved this problem for himself.

This is a very bad feeling — such a suspended state, when not forward, nor back. As if in a quagmire or a swamp. Life stands still, nothing new happens, cyclical experiences and results, depression, a sense of confinement and isolation from the world and from people.

So I am launching a pilot project codenamed: Trading Delayed (TRADING DELETED).

Суть его вот в чем.

Если вы решили, that trading is not for you for one reason or another, if you feel like a stock market addict and want to get rid of addiction — пишите мне на скайп wearbo or on soap admin (dog) — we will communicate and try to break the chains, bound you.


As long as it's all free and volunteer.

Do not know, что из этого получится, but soon I will know for sure!

All health and well-being, at least until the next blog update Zen trading

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