Traditional Risk Leadership. Managed by an individual broker

Traditional Risk Leadership. Managed by an individual broker

How to protect a financier from risks, разъясняет индивидуальный broker проф specialist money management

Risk is the main topic in the investment process. You cannot completely get rid of it., but there are methods, which can alleviate the consequences of risk.

Method # 1 - Trust, but check

Investment is an area, где мошенники от души наживаются на новичках. Прежде чем инвестировать, Deal, how reliable is the broker, whom you plan to entrust money to. Firstly, he must have a license from the Central Bank for a brokerage, dealer and depository activities. Secondly, you can look at the ratings on the Moscow Exchange website and contact a broker with a large number of active clients. Thirdly, on the broker's website, you can study its reports and get acquainted with the assessment of reliability from world agencies.

Method # 2 - portfolio diversification

This method protects against business risk. For instance, if the portfolio contains shares of one company, and she goes broke, the investor loses the entire portfolio. If the portfolio contains shares 10 companies, and one goes broke, the investor loses only one tenth of the portfolio. Individual companies can go bankrupt, но весь рынок — нет.

Один из способов минимизировать риск бизнеса — вкладывать деньги в ETF. This is a share in the finished asset portfolio, which an investor can buy on the exchange. The advantage of such a tool is, that he is already diversified: it contains stocks or bonds according to that index, on which the ETF is based.

Method number 3 - the rule of long-term investment

Long-term portfolio building will largely protect you from market risk, because it is usually short term. Markets always go up in the long term.

Method # 4 - protection against interest rate risk

This method partially protects against the risk of investors, who invest in bonds. Let's admit, you bought a bond with yield 8% per year and plan to keep it until maturity. During this time, the Central Bank increases the rate on 2%, and a similar security appears with the yield 10% in year. It turns out, to make your bond interesting to investors, it should provide the same yield. But the fixed coupon in 8% cannot be changed. All that remains is to reduce the market value of the bond itself.. This is the risk of interest rates.

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If you build a bond portfolio this way, to have maturity staggered over time, то колебания процентных ставок будут менее ощутимы по каждой бумаге в отдельности.

Method # 5 - Protecting Against Political Risk

Political risk must be treated philosophically, because he is unpredictable. For example, US President said something about imposing duties or doubts about agreements with China, and the American and Chinese markets went down. To completely not depend on such events, diversify investments by country. Add securities of companies from those countries to your portfolio, where the political environment is stable.

The global method of minimizing risks is not to rush to extremes. Нужно тщательно оценивать перспективы и выбирать рациональную и психологически приемлемую вам инвестиционную стратегию.

В следующий раз мы поговорим о портфельной теории Марковица.

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