On a tip from Anton Andreev (traanan) went to a very useful site On this site you can upload all transactions from most of the most famous brokers in bulk and get detailed statistics with pictures and charts at the exit.. And it's all free. Recomend for everybody. I also uploaded trades on US stocks for almost all systems, except for system No. 3 (broker not supported) and without part of the transactions from the broker with whom he parted ways in the middle of the year. Although not all transactions, but they reflect the big picture correctly. Here is the overall equity curve since the beginning of the year. (only by shares, without futures):

It can be seen that it sank heavily during the collapse of the markets, but in general, bearable, considering that all indices since the beginning of the year are in the red.

Well, there are many different statistical graphs and charts., mainly for day traders. Well, for me it turned out that the number of profitable trades exceeds the number of unprofitable ones., but the average losing trade in 1,3 times more profitable, and the profit factor is approximately 1,59.

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