EURUSD trading signals. Offer limited

so, friends. For the reason that, that I declared my intention to start education Trading through the prism of their experience and knowledge, including candlestick analysis, psychological problems in trading, hindering the achievement of the goal, лично испытанные trading tactics and strategies on various instruments and TF, and the same experience in overclocking a depot, то передо мной встала довольно creative and interesting task:


How can a person be taught make deals so, how do you trade yourself? Or how can you explain, why opened this or that position? This is a very difficult task..

On the other hand, many ask to share intraday signals and are ready to pay for it. Well,, at this stage, I have the opportunity to collect a certain number of people as тестовой группы for a month or two with that, to send trading signals for EURUSD or 6E futures. This is interesting to me due to the fact, that I have never been involved in such activities. There are many interesting things that can come up., and I love new experiences and experiments.

so, my proposal is:

I am typing тестовую группу of people (тестовую, because I don't know myself, how long this will last – month or six months), who want to use mine intraday trading signals. Мои trading signals for euro will be sent by skype, opening positions always at the market, at once set stop, there will be recommendations for transfer rate And trailing profit, as well as the moment of fixation. Because the гарантированный доход promise only in pyramids and fraudulent structures (even state banks are not a guarantor of the safety of your funds – remember the collapse of the USSR, keep your money in savings banks, лол), то вы должны понимать все возможные последствия торговли на рынке, as per your signals, and for strangers. For me, the first priority will be 100 pp of profit, although the goal – at least 200 pp per month, that at the depot in 500 dollars and positions 0,1 lot corresponds to

  Someone on the internet is wrong

100 And 200 долларам профита

respectively. Стоимость услугиочень маленькая, 30 dollars a month, which corresponds 1,5 dollars per trading session, by price – like a bun with jam. Сделано это для того, to weed out freebie lovers, я отлично понимаю, that most novice traders never have money :) If you wish, you can understand, how do I trade myself, try to internalize some important points, analyze trade, etc..

Important: при достижении 200 пп profit, the broadcast of signals stops before the start of a new 30-day period.

Хорошая новость заключается в том, that in the absence of profit in 100 пп либо убытках – Made 30 dollars come back.

I will not take money from people, if they don't make money on my recommendations.

As for the signals themselves – they will arrive during the day, with adjustments for trailing and moving stops. Possibly several times a day, maybe – раз в неделювсе будет зависеть от ситуации на рынке. Duration – from a few minutes, but more often – a few hours.

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