Combine TopStepTraders bullshit

One sane and adequate dude weaned me, passed all the combinations, but under endless pretexts I never got money in TopstepTraders. History under the cut.

My advice, try at least, there is not so fell, all Russian-speaking and much less conditions. Good traders are held in high esteem.
And if I lied – write your stories in comments.

Originally posted by exception_trade at about dragons, naebalove and TOPSTEPTRADERS

so, we will talk about Pindos.

Pass Harvester from Topstep Traders – this is a quest like: your task is to fuck a fire-breathing flying dragon in flight. At the same time, that dragons became extinct millions so 100 years ago.
But let's say (purely hypothetical) that by some miracle 1 the dragon survived and evolution bypassed it, an even greater miracle will be, that this creature flies over your head in the right place and at the right time and you suddenly have wings and have enough courage and money (since you have to pay for trying!) try to fuck a dragon!!! You fucked incredibly and still fucked a dragon in flight, while observing a huge list of rules, who need to fuck him, they even put on a condom on arrival! You are immensely happy and you receive a letter in which you were congratulated by the top scouts of the topsteptraders, но выясняется, that this dragon needs to be fucked….twice! And only after the second attempt you will be given money for management! You are a little disappointed, but still cheerful in spirit, because. and one time not everyone was able to fuck him!
Well fuck with you! Waiting for the dragon, waited, flew to fuck, put on the condom, settled down, ebu i… I receive a letter:


As discussed, we set forth rules for you to adhere to while trading in the Live Trader Preparation. Below is the criteria not adhered to:
– I will not hold positions into major economic releases”
ie. they tell me: “Dude! we don't take you, because the second time you fucked the dragon, you got one shoe off your foot! Everything, dude, you do not suit us.”

Now seriously.
Firstly, on the TOPSTEPTRADERS website it is written: practice on the trial, then pay for the harvester and go through it, and get control of the money.
In fact: harvester passed
and then it turns out that there is still some Live Trader Preparation, which is EXACTLY THE SAME ANOTHER COMBINE, simply with the target on profit not $1500, and $750.
This alone, that the company came up with another quest on the fly, about which no one is informed in advance (there is not a word about this Live Trader Preparation on the website), I was alarmed.

After writing about this wonderful period of preparation for live trading, I had a phone call.. In a conversation through an interpreter with the head of the scouts John Hoagland, I was told all the rules, including that, that I shouldn't trade during news release periods(but what news exactly they did not say), but they said that John would send me a letter, in which the listed rules will be written again + (Attention!) ATTACHED a calendar of events, which they consider important and during which they cannot trade.
In fact: letter came, календаря, attached to the letter, it was not.
I start trading, after having agreed in advance the start date of this LIve trader preparation. I trade the first day:

I agree that there are many deals, but ALL of them are made according to the trend (we estimate the trend by the fact that, how it already took place) and with a short stop, which was carried over to +1 straight (breakeven), because. i don't like to lose money, if i'm wrong.

I trade the second day


ie. I earn more than half of the required profit in two days of trading.
In the personal account of the TST 1 LTP day looks like this:
tst ltp

And I get this fucking letter, where it says that I was trading during the economic release period. What releases?! А тех, schedule которых мне должны были прислать в письме и которых так и не прислали! Funny shit, isn't it true?! It's hard NOT TO BREAK THE RULES, WHICH ARE KNOWN ONLY THOSE, WHO CHECKS YOU.

Now in fact:
1. What's in the harvester period, what during Live Trader Preparation (LTP) i traded 1 контрактом (with three possible)
2. During the LTP period, all my trades were with a reasonable stop and had good potential with short stops and were EXCLUSIVELY TRENDED (not hypothetically, but by the result of price movement).
3. I made money, but the drawdown within the first day of trading did not increase $250 c учетом комиссии (while, that a drawdown is acceptable during the day until $500),

and finally the only thing, what I did not take into account – so it's that, what…it was all fucking. Yes, yes, exactly this way and nothing else. Since my studies in Baumanka, I know, if the teacher is determined to flunk you on the exam, because you don't like to attend lectures, even if you wrote everything, decided everything, he will ask you questions until then, until you're wrong. Just because its purpose – it makes you wrong, and no matter how many correct answers you gave him before.

I advise TOPSTEPTRADERS to change the slogans on their website to the following:

Pay us for the combine and get your money back, if you still pass it! And since few pass it, then few people know that there is still Live Trader Preparation with conditions, known only to the great TST scouts. And I wouldn't be surprised that all these scouts and $10 didn’t make money on the exchange.

The only emotion – this disappointment. Another myth about a beautiful version “from dirt to Kings” разрушен.
Thank you all., everybody's Free.


Here is that ill-fated calendar

And there is only one question: “And when to trade in general, guys?!” So you can sit down and look only at something, how the schedule works out the news.

And also a bonus for you!! From another dude:

  A word of caution to lovers of optimizing intraday systems.
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