Top 5 Doping Pro-Players

Hello! We recently had a similar issue: 5 nootropics for poker, he went well, so we continue the topic of substances, which are used in various activities. And today we have esports!

Oldfags still remember computer rooms with a local area network, where amateur competitions for games with minimum prize money were sometimes held. Now, if suddenly you do not know, it's a whole industry, which attracts a lot of money, and the salaries of top players are close to solid football contracts. And where big money is spinning, it is likely the use of substances, which increase the efficiency of players.

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Information for reference only! And was taken from popular Western forums, dedicated to gaming. The substances are located randomly, but everyone often appears on such resources.

  1. Adderol

Most Popular Substance, for reference, in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries it is not legal! And is amphetamine. In the US, Adderall is dispensed with strict prescriptions.. In most other countries, real punishment for him, therefore it is not covered.

Along amphetamine And methamphetamine we had separate releases. Their main effect, you probably already know, is an increase in productivity., better reaction, stimulation, better mood. Often times in games, it is precisely the best reaction and speed of action that is required.. Payback for all this in the form of addiction and addiction., legal risk.

Well, an example: organizer of e-sports events Electronic Sports League (ESL) now has the right to selectively screen players for doping, and Adderall game championship

  1. Selegilin

Irreversibly inhibits monoamine oxidase (Group MAO inhibitors), substance, which is responsible for the destruction of stimulatory neurotransmitters in our brain. It turns out, that selegiline temporarily breaks the peace switch in the brain. This also adds a few points to the reaction and speed of the player..

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The problem of selegiline and such MAO inhibitors in the number of side effects. You can really get to the hospital, when used unsuccessfully or mixed with other substances. As in everything, reasonable reception - start with microdosing at the placebo level and increase slightly on other days of admission. Although Selegiline specifically works for a couple of weeks. This will allow you to subtly approach your working dosage., this is what the pros do.when inhibitors are needed

  1. Semaks

One of the soft substances, which can easily stimulate. Considered a Nootropic Compound, that is, it can improve the cognitive/intellectual functions of the brain, and not stupidly "faster reaction". The connection was developed in Russia, but they also know about him in the west, what you can see for yourself, by writing a request in Google in English.

Semaks available in pharmacies, but these are not pills, and nose drops. Accepted by the course in 5-10 days. He has no side effects, especially in comparison with Adderall and Selegiline. The effects of taking it are subtle, but still there!Semax neurotrophins

  1. Phenotropil

Perhaps, it is the most famous stimulating nootropic. Based on personal experience and online reviews, works well in the first rounds, then you either have to be perverted with mixing with other stimulants, or give a break from any substances per month, then it might work again. If you know another way to feel it again - write in the comments..

Phenotropil or phenylpiracetam is often mentioned even in Asian forums, where they traditionally love speed in conducting games)

Sold in pharmacies, is taken either by a course in 20-30 days to 100-200 mg, or one-time receptions 200-300 mg. Side effects, especially in the first receptions: insomnia, suppression of appetite, hyperstimulation. Generally, the substance is well tolerated.phenotropil and piracetam differences

  1. Rhodiola extract

We once had issue about Rhodiola, where it was said, that it has strong sedative effects, in short soothes. And that's right, but true for Rhodiola in vials in the amount of 1 tablespoon.

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Rhodiola extract is a rough powder in capsules, renders opposite, stimulating effects. Is an adaptogen, increases the body's resistance to adverse conditions, probably, you will get sick with rhodiola less often.rhodiola extract how much

Acts in a variety of ways, can't say, what “that increases serotonin, that's why it happens ... ". The dosage varies according to the content of active substances, on average, you need to throw capsules on 100-300 mg rosavins. Usually capsules on 500 mg and only 3-5% rosavinov, so for a one-time appointment - 3-4 capsules, but even here it is better to start with the 1st, for security.


Here are the most commonly used substances in esports, where the main goal is better response and efficiency.

- Adderol or amphetamine. The most powerful! Forbidden and dangerous.tournament after the game

- Selegiline or MAO inhibitors. Available in pharmacies, Dangerous.

- Semaks. Mild stimulant and nootropic. Few side effects.

- Phenotropil. Dual substance, or as they say "rushing", or zero effects at all.

- Rhodiola extract. Adaptogen, light stimulant.

Well, concrete experience is also useful, if there is information, share it! And I hope you liked the issue! Good luck and see you soon!

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