Top 10 US stock market downturns

4 august 2011
Dow dropped by 512,76 Fri

Fears, as if the USA is on the verge of a 2nd wave of recession, coupled with growing fear, that Spain and Italy are showing economic downturns and dragging the European economy deeper into debt, caused the worst sales, with 2008 of the year. The Dow slid 512,76 Fri, falling by 4,3%. And although in percentage terms the market did not lose much, however, for example, this decrease 1929 G. would dissolve in the air 2.3 trillion. Bucks.

22 October 2008
Dow dropped by 514,45 Fri

October 2008 the year was one of the worst in the history of the New York Stock Exchange, with 3 of the top 10 biggest falls, ever registered within 1 month. 9th largest day of fall, was fueled by heightened fears of a global recession. Weak collective profit forecasts, including losses from Wachovia bank, worse, than the analyst expected. In a little over a month, the Dow closed with a loss in the official recession 514 точки, упав на 5,7% during trading day.

27 October 1997
Dow dropped by 554,26 Fri

Huge Losses in Asian Markets Throughout the Night Caused Huge Selloffs in USA Markets. В первый раз в истории, trading on the New York Stock Exchange was temporarily halted in the middle of the day during 30 min.. Already with 1988 G. the rules of the stock exchange included a clause on "emergency suspension of trading", to prevent new avalanche-like sales and surges in activity from sellers.

However, even after the timeout 27 October, stocks continued to fall, calling more 1 suspension of trading for one hour. Less than an hour before the end of the auction, the market closed with a loss 554,26 Fri, -7,2%

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14 April 2000
Dow dropped by 617,78 Fri

At the turn of the century, the technology section was on the rise, and investments in this sector have been better than ever. Однако предостережение со стороны FED, as if a stagnant economy has the ability to grow faster, нежели предполагалось, sent a sobering shock to the market, in fact, continuing the critical decline of this sector. Тот день, для индекса Nasdaq, был худшим в истории, hi-tech index lost more than 356 Fri, or 10% own capitalization.

8 august 2011
Dow dropped by 634,76 Fri

Market decline on Mon 8 August was prompted by a statement from the rating agency S & P about, that USA's ideal AAA rating will be downgraded to AA +. The downgrade shocks stock markets around the world. The Dow was down 634,76 Fri, on either 5,6 %, after the evening of a given day S & P announced, as if the decision to downgrade the credit rating was caused due to the fact that the agency did not observe any improvement in the conditionally reduced state. debt USA. And also the agency S & P stressed, as if the USA policy is “the least effective and predictable, than that, what we thought before ".

9 October 2008
Dow dropped by 678,91 Fri

9 October 2007 G. DJIA has set an all-time high, кто бы мог подумать, that in exactly one year the Dow index will drop by 679 Fri, and will become 5 largest single-day maximum drop on record. This phenomenon was driven by unprecedentedly low car sales., probably was the lowest, from the beginning of the year.
General Motors shares fell on 31%, and Ford lost 21%..

1 December 2008
Dow dropped by 679,95 Fri


On this day, the "National Bureau of Economic Research" officially announced, about that, as if the United States was in recession. The news triggered a decline in stocks around the world, the reaction was aggravated by the news that, EU countries – Greece, Ireland, Spain and Italy face fatal difficulties in coping with debt crisis. In New York, the Dow fell by 679 Fri, -7,7%.

17 September 2001
Dow dropped by 684,81 Fri

After the terrorist attack 11 September American stock markets were closed for a week, on the occasion of mourning. When the markets opened, the Dow fell by more than 7%, the decline was 685 Fri, the Dow Jones Transportation Average lost another 343 Fri, or -12,8 %

15 October 2008
Dow dropped by 733,08 Fri

The market did not react mercilessly, when President George W. Bush said, as if the USA leadership intends to partially cover the cost of funds 9 largest banks in America. This phenomenon was the largest intervention in the banking sector since the Great Depression., according to Bush injecting into $ 250 billion. municipal funds to banks, was the right action, to stir up the lending sector, which became stagnant after the explosion of a bubble in the housing market. The day after the announcement provided, the Dow dropped by 733 Fri, falling by almost 8 Percent.

29 September 2008
Dow dropped by 777,68 Fri

The biggest downgrade in the history of the Dow Jones came out 29 September 2008 G., when home prices began to suddenly drop, the price of mortgage-backed securities fell by the minute. Обстановку ухудшило высказывание ФРС о спасении страхового великана AIG. For the first time, USA leadership proposed a bill to save banks from bankruptcy. On this day, Dow Jones lost 777,68 Fri.

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