
I am reading comments now, about yesterday's Moscow events from the series: “Nightmare, horror, fascists”, again, certainly, the government and the mayor are to blame (well, this is a tradition already). Feeling, that some authors plunged into a separate virtual world, where the brain and logic are no longer needed, and broadcast from there. That, what happened, a completely normal process of self-cleaning of a social organism (only incomprehensible, was he spontaneous, or organized from above). If parasitic unicellular organisms settle in a biological organism, harmful – the body fights them quite definitely – killing them. If there are too many parasites – the body dies. It's the same with society. Suppose, specific individual, comes to another country or a more prosperous region. He shares the cultural values ​​of the bulk of the population, social order, learns the language, reaches for knowledge, works – it will be a full-fledged member of society, and from such only benefit. Now let's imagine a friend, who moved for a better life, and realizing a huge gap in mentality, instead of changing your level, begins to bring the level of the environment closer to its own – this is achieved in a simple way, all sorts of relatives are drawn, then relatives of relatives and so on. The paradox is, that the emerging diaspora, living by their own laws and absorbing, usually, worst of the place, where do they live now (for example, if they haven't drunk alcohol before, now they are actively consuming it), enjoy all the benefits of a new habitat, not created by themselves, and not even their ancestors. Traditions are demonstrated by visitors, in the eyes of the bulk of the aborigines, looking wild. When against “come in large numbers” start to tighten the nuts, they remember about tolerance and laws. There are such examples in many countries.. Недавняя stock с цыганами во Франции, a few years earlier, riots in Paris. And everywhere there are people who are sick in the head (you can't say otherwise), who are desperate to defend their rights, apparently not understanding, what if we let loose, the disease-causing cells will swallow the healthy body, and they will live, in a couple of decades, with a completely different social order.

  Boogie Woogie Every Day

PS Looked at the news – explosions in Stockholm recognized as a terrorist attack. And this is in democratic Sweden, which many consider almost ideal. Tolerate further, my friends.

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