Testing in WLD6

In general, it turns out such garbage with WLD6. If you test a large list of stocks, created with the Aronow Wathlist extension, for example 39 000 Shares (Daytime), then stocks run very slowly, of the order of half a second per share and therefore the total testing time in years for 10 happens in about 4-6 hours. If you test a smaller sheet, about 7000 Shares, then stocks run much faster — minutes 15 on the test. But if you do not test sheets, and the DataSets themselves, then the stocks run at lightning speed.

I.e, the conclusion is that combining DataSets into sheets using the "Aronow Wathlist" extension slows down the testing process a lot. And, the larger the sheet, the more the process slows down. At least, on my version of WLD6 this is how it happens.

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