Tesla Tesla: the company's quarterly profit for the first time exceeded $ billion in 2021 year

Tesla: the company's quarterly profit exceeded $ billion for the first time

American electric car manufacturer Tesla (Nasdaq: TSLA) made public financial statements for the 2nd quarter 2021 of the year:

  • revenue increased by eighty-eight percent, to 12 billion dollars;
  • operating profit increased by 301%, to 1,3 billion;
  • operating margin increased from 5,4 up to eleven percent;
  • net profit increased from 0,1 to 1,1 billion;
  • operating currency flow increased by 120%, to 2,1 billion.


In the 2nd quarter, the company produced 206 thousand vehicles, sold 201 thousand. A year earlier - 82 And 91 a thousand therefore. Revenue in the auto sector increased by eighty-seven percent, with 5,2 to 10,2 billion. Of them 354 million, or three and a half percent, - incentives from the country for the creation and sale of electric vehicles with low emissions. A year earlier, this non-core publication brought 428 million, or 8,2 %.

Operating profit.

The company increased its operating profit and margin due to the size of sales and the lowest cost. Management prizes have had a bad effect on income, logistics costs and bitcoin. Tesla lost slightly on the sale of digital currency, 23 million dollars. In the first quarter, bitcoin brought companies 101 million.

Funds and equivalents.

Debt and rent costs amounted to 1,6 billion. The company paid part of the amount at the expense of profitable funds, which at the end of the quarter amounted to 16,2 billion to 0,9 billion less, than in the first quarter. The other part was paid off by the company through free cash flow in 0,6 billion.


Due to battery shortages and supply disruptions, the company has delayed Semi truck production until 2022 of the year. In the long term, Tesla promises to increase sales of electric vehicles by 50% per year and increase operating margin.

Tesla Stock

IN 2021 Tesla securities fell by 10%, to 658 $. Now the company's shares are traded on 27% below the January high in 900 $. After the report, the papers were added 2% and grew to 664 $. Consensus forecast of analysts for the following 12 months — 655 $.

Tesla's revenue in the second quarter, million dollars

2020 2021 The change
Cars 5179 10 206 97%
Energy production and storage 370 801 116%
Services and more 487 951 95%
Total 6036 11 958 98%
  Determining the size of the deal


Tesla: the company's quarterly profit exceeded a billion dollars for the first time

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