Now no longer 85 rub. for post, and 25 thousands per month :)

In the basement of a mansion in Olgino, young office workers do something, which is usually not considered work: surf the internet, write blog posts and comments on media articles. Not for free, certainly: the salary – from 25 thousands per month. Correspondent «MR» went for an interview at the agency, which provides fake comments to most of the country's popular sites.

Internet operators required! Work in a luxurious office in OLGINO!!!! (m. Old village), payment 25960 per month.
A task: posting comments on specialized Internet sites, writing thematic posts, blogs, social networks. Screen reports. Schedule работы подбирается индивидуально (the ability to work any days, в том числе и выходные). Payment weekly, 1180 per shift (c 8.00 to 16.00, s 10.30 to 18.30, with 14.00 to 22.00).
PAYMENT WEEKLY & FREE MEALS!!!Employment, official or under a contract (optional). Maybe education!
From you:
2. Telephone
3. Пометка – operator in the office !
8 960 2424242 Helen

I went to an interesting interview today. Vacancy – Internet operator. & quot; Office" the company turned out to be a luxurious cottage with glass walls in the Kurortny district of St. Petersburg. Talked to me in the lobby, were not invited to the offices, because there the management team decides important issues. Then the coordinators took me to the place of work for familiarization. They have 2 office for employees, they reminded me of an internet club with lots of computers and people.. In one office-department they specialize in filling comments on blogs, etc., in a different – writing articles for blogs and posting them on social networks. Topics mainly related to politics… To my question about the terms of reference – what exactly should be written in the comments –  the coordinator guy briefly and clearly explained, what now, for example, they have busy days, and that yesterday they all wrote in support of Sobyanin, and `` today we smear Navalny ''. And shows me under one of the articles a bunch of comments from his employees… According to the norms – 100 comments per day per person, but now more is better, days are busy… In the next department, bloggers need to write on 4 поста, and another part of people post them on social networks – how many will post. This is according to the `` norms ''. In my presence, one of the leaders entered the office, gathered several employees around me, by organizing something like a round table meeting, and put up an urgent task for discussion – as time is short, to be on time, they must also join the posting of certain articles. I didn’t hear any other details. – time for my 'excursion" expired in this department… But I think everyone understands the essence.  This is how I suddenly became a witness, how we build an honest policy…

  Correction is over..
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