
Here are a couple of the latest charts, for doubters. If we were following the trend, not a fact, that the whole movement was hatched, Besides, at any moment the trend could reverse, and the profit would be lost. With short trades, we took profit very quickly, freed up funds for new deals, on other assets, increased the amount of funds. Small risk, the exit criteria are quite clear.

Recently talked to a friend, he said, that does not incubate traffic in Sberbank more than 60 Kopeks. It was considered a little for me, give three rubles, five, and ten, if you're lucky. Such a phrase sounded: “Why not take profit 70 pips (in forex) and hatch rollback in 50?” Really, many are convinced, what “money is made on big moves”, “let the profit flow”, recent times, and I began to think so, and was not recorded, when stock уходила в мою сторону на 2-3%. And everything would be fine, if profitability, which was not in my favor. It turned out, that the quick profit approach is more correct? Tests of the system removed from the closet showed the correctness of the assumption.

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